Population fix.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheAntiFish, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. TheAntiFish

    I have a dream.

    Where Blue people, and purple people... and even red people can shoot each other fairly. Without massive player counts rendering battles pointless cert farms.

    While this is unlikely to happen any time soon, I have something that may make it fashionable to stick with your main...

    A Tag of shame.

    Anyone that's switched from another character that has been played for more than 10 minutes in that game session, should have their title fixed as "Traitor" for 2 hours.

    With any luck the peer pressure will sort the numbers out.

  2. Phyr

    Every 2 hours I'll be switching factions, so that I can always wear this badge of honor.
  3. GoogleIntern2013

    LOL I remember you

    You're that noob that complained how someone stole your username, then realized you forgot to delete you old account
    • Up x 1
  4. FateJH

    In the future of TheAntiFish there will be a lot of Traitors running around, but not a damn will be given.
  5. Cindercase

    Good try, very creative thinking. However, one flaw.

    Example: Play 2+ hours with friends on VS but they all log after an alert. Then you decide to play NC/TR for some other friends or you just like to play TR cause all their stuff is OP (Joke joke, I kid.)
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  6. TheAntiFish

    LOL i remember you! You're that ***** that gets their information wrong in an attempt to seem superior!

    (It was as simple as: Didn't know names were taken across all servers ;) )
  7. GoogleIntern2013

  8. Rentago

    first off, they have to set up a thing to prevent people from freely switching factions, it should be a 6 hour wait time between switching factions on the same server, planetside 1 had that in place to make it so you were committed to whatever you played as.

    I think the experience reward being higher for a lower population faction is great, but in planetside they had this thing where your hit points were also scaled to make each person stronger, it did not subtract health from the other over populated faction.
  9. OldMaster80

    First of all devs must apply a faction switch timer to prevent people from jumping to a faction to another just to avoid the shame to lose a battle. It's a f2p game and one can have multiple account, nevertheless I'm sure this kind of cooldown would help. This must be done immediately.

    Then population is somethings devs cannot fix. You can't convince players who spent money and time on a character to just change their side.
    But I think the resources changes in time will help: those who are outnumber will have a little benefit as they'll be allowed to spawn more vehicles, while those who outnumber will run out of nanites soon.
  10. TheAntiFish

    Hey i'm not too bothered that on my server TR has 10% more players than the rest of us, That's just 10% more targets. What i don't like is losing 8% of my team every time an alert comes up and these faction jumpers deserve to be marked for the scum that they are.

    This overall population balancing issue is going to linger for a good long time, In the meantime we might be able to shame the bastards into sticking with their team!

    Nope, You thought i wanted to delete something, i wanted the same name on two servers! Small difference, But when dealing with small minds i find it's apt to be thorough ;)