Poor Connery....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigMacDeez, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Sebastien

  2. Sebastien

    I'm going to smash my phone into the wall soon.

    I used to think the TR were the worst winners with their Triple Cap threads. Luckily they were few and far between.

    But the VS manage to bring it to a whole new level.
    It isn't so much the trash talking, so much as the incessant spam of "thanks" after capping a base or killing someone.
    This isn't a badge of honor either. The fact that someone gains some pleasure from pissing others off is a sign of Sociopathy.
    I know why it's spammed. By saying thanks you're implying the kill or capture was easy, that it was gifted. It may have been easy for you. but they may have tried their hardest, and to be disrespected is a punch to the face.

    I don't do Alerts anymore because I don't care about them. I'd rather go into the dunes of North Indar and fight tanks.
    I'm sure most NC would rather not do the Alerts.
    • Up x 1
  3. Tradewind

    If it makes you feel better Sebastien, I've perfected the art of pressing V-6 after every kill.
  4. Corporate Thug

    So you guys wish to be the overpopulated faction and win alerts? Is that what this is about?

    Perhaps you guys are just unlucky and are never online when your faction wins. From my point of view all the factions win and lose about equally on Connery. I wish there was some alert tracker so that we could verify all these complaints.
  5. Ronin Oni

    lol wut?

    Maybe cause I only play in evenings but I never see VS with top pop on connery
  6. Tradewind

    I'll admit I'm too lazy to check 3ish pages of posts but I don't think anyone has ever said "duurrr, I want NC to be overpopulated so we can has the wins!"
  7. Corporate Thug

    I find most people who do that are bitter and frequently die so every kill is like a reward for them. Most of the kills you get in this game are probably not even skill based to warrant a taunt.
  8. Corporate Thug

    Well I derived that question from the endless complaints about VS being over popped and it's why they win as well as the general consensus that population determines the results of the alerts.
  9. Tradewind

    You're welcome to think that, if it helps.

    Well I'm glad that you see how fallacious that statement was.
  10. Fredfred

    The whole thing about preventing 4th factioners from switching at the last 15 minutes or alerts worked. Now when it is a biolab alert, the VS population sky rockets and NC crashes from the start. I took a screen shot during a Tech plant alert last night. I think it was 9pm PST.
    As you can see, TR was dominate. NC only came out with one tech plant.
    On Connery, biolab alerts have become, just ZOE max alerts.
  11. Corporate Thug

    Fallacious, hmm use smaller words because it's too hard to read my dictionary with the light being so dim under this bridge.
  12. Tradewind

    U dun use good arguings. grunt grunt.

    oh em gee, I'm being le trolled...or something...?

  13. Vastly

    IME, it's the faction holding the most Biolabs when the alert starts whose population skyrockets, and that's probably transferable to other bases.
  14. Fredfred

    Could be, I will keep my eye out. So far it hasn't been that way. The newer system is still kinda new .
  15. Masterofm

    As long as it's close to 30 30 30 I'm happy. It's when any side is rocking 50% + pop that bums me out. No matter what side. Be it TR, VS, or NC. I, as a player, love epic and fun fights. Getting into a game and seeing my side have 50% population bums me out as much as anyone else rocking a high majority %. 33%, 39%, and 27% are at least closer to 40%, 40%, 20% or 50%, 14%, 36%.

    Most epic fights I've been in where in 3 way fights where it's 1/3 1/3 1/3 pop fighting over an area. Everything is crazy nuts and you just start killing people left and right and they are killing people all around you. Steamrolling for most people is fine, but getting steamrolled sucks. Trying to have 40 people hold off 200 is extremely hard. Maybe you can hold off against 100, but if they have enough firepower and pop it doesn't really matter what kind of crazy tactics you try to employ you just tend to eat a wang sandwich. You take out 50+ air units? You still get rolled by 70-100 armor units and more mana turrets then you can shake a stick at.

    For what I've seen even if the VS are down in biolabs people don't tend to flock like that. On Connery what tends to happen is the VS just get quite bloated and can go from holding 1-2 to holding 6-7. Then everyone who has a VS toon generally leaves their side and joins up with them for the points in the end.
  16. TeknoBug

    Were these VS overpops off peak hours? If so, then I don't care. I haven't seen VS top on population during peak hours on Connery, it's terrible on Mattherson though.
  17. Corporate Thug

    Sigh. It was less hostile then what I originally typed so I went with it and it was a logical conclusion.

    I have been part of fights on Connery where we were severely outnumbered fighting zergs and won against 3:1 odds when both sides had 48+. I have also seen small groups such as recursion drop pod in with a squad of guys at key locations and turn the tides of fights to the NC's favor when they were severely outnumbered. There are these small groups of people who can win fights and not care about numbers. Sunday night I was at a tech plant with 25-48 NC and they had 1 outter point. ONE outter point that I took solo and helped stop their attack. Not every one is capable of these things but I look at it as you can sit and complain about these things such as numbers OR you can try to improve your gameplay and come up with new tactics that make numbers seem less meaningful.

    A good organized platoon is the counter to your numbers problem. There are some outfits who accept people and don't care that they are bad, then there are those who do training for their newer members and teach them how not to die and be effective.
  18. Tradewind

    That's neat and all that, probably a good tip for the larger outfits on Connery...but I don't see how "the overpopulated side seems to win more" makes any kind of logical progression towards "I want to be overpopulated so I can win more." I mean it might be logical if you're prone to thinking irrationally.
  19. FrontTowardEnemy

    People like you have selective memory. I'll take some screenshots next time NC and TR have 40%+ pop. Happens all the time. Apparently just not while you're playing.
  20. BigMacDeez

    Make sure there are timestamps on your pics. Good luck.