Poll: How many hours have you played Planetside 2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wafflepancake, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Gustavo M

    Here is something worthwhile for a pool.
  2. Jeslis

    I'll just leave my sigs here >.>
  3. RJGatling

    ~2600 hours
  4. zu2

    2954 hours
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    since dec 17 2012
  6. ScrapyardBob

    Steam says 1292 hours (and I always have Steam running, so that is probably pretty close).
  7. Church41349

    Steam told me I have played 1308 hours. It also told me I have no life.
  8. Pikachu

  9. Hatesphere

    as of this very moment. 1150, you caught me at a nice number.
  10. MasterCheef

    450 hrs for me....which is a lot for me. Its my most played game by far out of 100+ on steam. 2nd closest game is 200hrs.
  11. f0d

    main character vs: 1007 hours
    secondary nc: 217h
    3rd vs: 176h
    4th vs: 40h
    5th nc: 38h
    6th tr: 35h
  12. Camycamera

    according to steam i have put 610 hours into this game, and that is more hours than any other game on record ever.

    i play this game because it is big, persistent and awesome. and it is always getting updated, so there is always something to look forward to.
  13. Alzir

    Your straw poll has too low an upper limit, there are people with over 100 DAYS of play time!!
  14. PsyStorm

    Should show in my signature ;)
  15. NCDaniel

    Very little. I stopped playing during the beta and just starting to get back into it.
  16. DFDelta

    VS main: ~200 hours
    TR main: ~90 hours
    NC main ~120 hours
    1 alt on each faction with 20~ish hours each.

    ~470 hours total
  17. JudgeDeath

    Total Time Played
    46d 6h == 1110 hours.
    Quite nothing compared to playing WOW from vanilla till pandas ... and hardcore raiding vanilla,tbc,lk.
  18. Devrailis

    Not enough. Can I track how much time I spend AFK in warpgate?
    • Up x 1
  19. Phukkitt

  20. Jogido

    I think your right about that. same for me.