Points for defending!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Swaggermeistress, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Swaggermeistress

    As a paying subscriber, I'm really frustrated with the current reward system. Seriously, why do we not get points for holding territory? We currently receive greater incentive to yield ground and take it back later than to hold it and generate some fun game play. Why even bother taking a facility if it will be over run and there's no reason to defend it? The measley point conversion(what is it like 44xp?) doesn't cut it.

    I don't see it worthwhile to continue to offer money when there are substantial flaws in game design like this. Please, SOE, listen to your subscribers.
  2. Compass

    Prevents suicide diving being a valid XP farming, I guess.
  3. Avs0000

    It's like this to prevent players from repeatedly capping/defending territory so people have less opportunities to farm exp.
  4. Ratsle

    You get 15% bonus exp for all actions done when a base is under siege. Love defending Tech Plants, Biodomes and AMP stations
  5. Badname2059

    You get 15% bonus XP for defending. The problem is a lot of bases are difficult to defend, so it kind of makes it moot when you get zerged and farmed in your own base.

    It helps prevent people from idiling and collecting XP, but at the same time it really should be increased a tad to 20 or even 25% so more people show up to defend, instead of one group of brave individuals facing off massive zergs they can't win against.
  6. Frizz

    You often get more exp. from this bonus than a capture payout would give you.

    Devs stated (in a similar thread) they're going to make the % bonus more obvious.
  7. Mupod

    Don't you get an 'attacking bonus' too? I swear I see a 10% bonus or something pop up sometimes.

    I do get most of my XP defending simply because of the huge number of kills I can rack up, although it seems like only very specific places get a solid defense going. Additionally, people taking certain roles can be important to the defense while making very little XP. Antiair for a popular example. So a periodic base defense bonus might be nice, not simply one you get after 'saving' the base.
  8. Hodo

    That 15% isnt enough. There was another thread about this before.

    So let me recap and break it down for you so that you have no doubt in the back of your non-military mind that you understand what I am saying.

    100XP per kill non-streak.

    +15% for defending.

    1st kill is 115XP.

    Kill streaks grant 10% bonus per kill in the streak.

    So you get 5 kills this is what you have...

    675XP total No matter win or loss.

    Same number of kills while attacking

    600XP + cap bonus 250-1000XP=850-1600XP.

    See the problem?
  9. T0nyDanza

    Idiling is not a problem in this game. Servers boot you quite fast for going afk.

    I'd also point out that defending is not all that difficult at all. It just requires a platoon or multiple squads dedicated to teamwork.
    Really to maximize xp in this game, it's ALL about getting in a squad/platoon/outfit that is very teamwork oriented.
  10. Swaggermeistress

    15% is hardly worth it compared to the massive amount of XP you get for capping a point.
  11. Swaggermeistress

    This dude knows what's up.

    SOE, listen to your subscribers. No XP and only 500 SC a month is a slap in the face for people who love the game enough to support it.
  12. Rue

    I refer you to SWTOR as living proof of the shenanigans that ensue when players can trade capture points. Defensive xp is a great idea, except when implemented in a game played by humans.
  13. Vachek

    Tech plants seem to be the big fights, they have value (MBT's).
  14. Swaggermeistress

    SWTOR's main problem is it didn't listen to its players early on and outsourced its customer service. It's also not a shooter, and is in no way comparible to Planetside 2. Bioware can go *u*k itself for selling out to EA.
  15. Rue

    Au contraire, it's directly comparable because the developers implemented Ilium (the open pvp zone) in a similar way to the OP's proposal. It resulted in cap-trading (think about it, it's an obvious not-quite-exploit).
  16. Telamon

    i wonder if there are any groups just trading xp back and forth by spawning with near sunderers

    must be a quick way to level up
  17. Bi0mech81

    As it stands right now, the XP bonus for defending is negligible compared to capping. When I have a choice of defending a base or capping a target, I'll always join the capture battle. If they increased the defense bonus to +50% XP for actions taken, as well as announce what the bonus XP is for (which doesn't happen as often as it should when you're trying to figure out why you just got awarded 150XP for a kill), I think players like myself will be more inclined to help defend.