[POETRY] Nerf All The Things...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shiaari, May 24, 2016.

  1. Shiaari

    Nerf All The Things

    Nerf the pretty things and the petty things
    And don't forget the purple things

    Nerf the OP things and the UP things
    And all the bright popular blinky things

    The dakka things and the proper things
    And especially all the balanced things

    Nerf the alpha things and all the DPS things
    Really we should nerf the NS things

    AA things and AG things
    All PTS things and AV things
    TTK things and KDR things
    And all the crappy TR things

    Nerf these things and those things
    But not those things I like those things

    On second thought nerf every thing.

    • Up x 6
  2. Eulayze

    • Up x 3
  3. TheFlamingLemon

    But everything is being nerfed. The damage that everything deals is constantly being nerfed. The health that everything has is also being proportionally nerfed.
  4. BurntMyWater

    Someday we will have infantry running around with 1 health. Against weapons that deal 1 damage.
    • Up x 1
  5. user101

    The DEV's pray to the nerf god for help in nerfing PS2 to crush the players and make sure the DEVs do not meet player expectations in game play. Lier lier pants on fire -- where is PhysX where is Weather.... no excuse is excepted we know it impacts the CPU we know you need a 2 gb video card ... just do it DEV .... we pay good money for these video cards.... & these CPU's... We want to max out the CPU and GPU that is what we paid for.... !

    Dev's give us what we want and stop crying about PS2 preformance.

    I know PhysX only runs at 60FPS max.... I don't care about 144 fps... give the that flash and bang....