PLZ we need some caves ,underground tunels , to hide from airnoobs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TrainerS2, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. teks

    I'm not complaining about anything. I just think the OP was being disrespectful to jump at ESFs by calling them noobs.

    I hardly even fly. I just respect people that are good.

    Ironically, I spend most my time in a skyguard. Most ESFs don't escape me :D but I'm real cheap. They probably call me a noobflakker or something, but there is alot of skill that went into my work too.
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  2. Mhak

    Fine, words are words, I should have said it sounded more like you were talking about how difficult it is to avoid AA, and tying that to using lolpods. It's like saying "As a heavy I have a really hard time avoiding bullets, and that makes shooting my LMG really hard to do." Avoiding AA and using lolpods are two different things is all.

    I also respect good pilots, and in my book, the really good pilots are the ones who kill lolpoders on principal. But then, I usually play an engi/vanguard, so you can see where the bias might be.
  3. CaptHaddock

    I so rarely die to air that I'm always surprised when I see an aircraft as the killer. I'm not sure where the OP is getting farmed to warrant this post.

    A year ago was so much worse, I feel air is pretty well balanced - although they often require ground superiority to be effective due to all the AA in the game, and when you have ground superiority having air on top is kinda meaningless.
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  4. Nehlis

    Buy or cert a skyguard. I hate pilots too, and the feeling I get when swatting another ESF is pure catharsis.
  5. TrainerS2

  6. ChipMHazard

    Personally I think that it needs to be more like in PS1. Infantry fights inside bases and towers that are completely seperate from vehicle combat. The walls that they've put up around bases? Bandaid solutions that will never have the desired effect. Spawn rooms still need to be underground or inside large buildings, otherwise spawn room camping won't stop. Same goes for the spawn room teleporters, just a bandaid solution.
    I agree with Teks, vehicles should be buffed to such a degree that infantry outside of bases are there to support the vehicles. Not decimate them as we see now. The role of vehicles should be to dominate open ground and bring infantry to where they need to go, after which infantry storms the base in question and takes on the enemy infantry. The role of the vehicles should then shift to preventing reinforcements helping, keeping ants away etc. Basicly control the open ground around the base while the infantry tries to take the base. The role of vehicles should NEVER have been to just farm infantry for points.
    What we have now with the still too open bases is a situation where infantry have to have viable options to defend themselves from ground and air spamming a base, otherwise it becomes far too frustrating for the infantry.
    Heck, in the future they could even design open outposts/depots etc. to be centered around vehicle combat with infantry there to support them.

    Combined arms does NOT mean that you have to have vehicles and infantry all duking it out inside a base. That's just a *********** of frustration.
    There's absolutely nothing wrong in splitting the combat up into different stages, while making each stage feel fun.
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  7. TrainerS2

    The role of vehicles should NEVER have been to just farm infantry for points.
    I agre with this and what you wrote above . If infranty got more bunkiers and tunels game will be more avesome ,
    Giving infranty chance to hide is not a bad idea , you hide in tunel and if Tanker wona kill you he must go inside , but lots of them newer live Tank shell :D
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  8. Phazaar

    So much L2P from the OP.

    Just to bullet point a few things:

    Infantry > Vehicles, always.

    The above is a game design error and is very quickly killing combined arms. Giving infantry further opportunities to be douchebags is not a good idea.

    The OP is clearly looking for the easiest way out; if flying was easiest, and if he could fly, he would be flying. Instead, since it's not and he can't, he calls pilots n00bs.

    The fact that the OP believes vehicles are 'just [to] farm infantry for points' categorically demonstrates that he is applying no more thought to the actual problems of the game (the lack of purpose for vehicles, absence of combined arms, hilarious balance issues etc) than he is applying to his 'solution'.

    Maybe we should just give you invulnerability to aircraft and vehicle-based weapon, so you can get back to infantryside? I imagine you still think it's fine that you kill vehicles indiscriminately with weapons that require absolutely no skill to use?

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  9. Vandali

    I doubt anybody would complain if they added an infantry only map, a subterranean Vanu city ruin would be pretty cool.
  10. Larington

    Fear not, the Amerish revamp is expected to hit the test server in January and more indoor combat is going to be a prominent feature of the revamp!

    To be honest I more or less agree with the point made in the original post. In Planetside 1 we had bases & towers where there were route(s) from the spawn room to capture point that did not require you to go outside (Though the AMP station did have a short run for it) and you couldn't just bring a swarm of aircraft that wipe the floor with the enemy (Overwhelming the AA in the process btw, cough cough).

    To put it simply, if you were tired of fending off attacks from vehicles and aircraft and felt like logging off, there was always somewhere you could go to cool off and have a fight that plays fundamentally differently to outdoor combat. Taking a continent would then consist of moving backward or forward through a repeating loop:
    - Interior combat - Courtyard control combat - Pushing/retreating outdoor combat - Courtyard control combat - Interior combat -
    (This is a simplified loop that ignores tower fights)

    Each of the three main combat areas played different from eachother and kept the game fresh from one hour to another. I don't think we quite have that in the design of Planetside 2's bases.

    Right now most bases cannot be fought over without air & vehicles interfering* with the capturing/defending and that makes it much easier for beleaguered, tired and frustrated ground pounders logging out and uninstalling the game.

    *The problem is now lessened versus vehicles due to better walls, but aircraft still often have free reign in many facilities. Those small spawn buildings can become kill zones for experience pilots because you can get above the spawn building and force Burster MAX's to expose themselves in a desperate attempt to scare them off.

    The big challenge for the level designers is that due to performance requirements and the occlusion stuff with terrain, they can't just poke holes in the terrain so they have to get devious. The most recent example I've seen is a base in the Amerish revamp.
    In this image the right post it note shows the intention of the level designer to bend the terrain steeply downwards then putting mountain props on top to give the impression it's an ordinary mountain with tunnels leading deeper inside.

    The bases in Planetside 1 weren't perfect though, sometimes the corridors were too long and they were always too thin, creating choke points that were perhaps a little too easy to defend.

    TL; DR Having more extensive indoor combat gives people who don't want to get caught up in the "if you can't beat them join them" trap a break from outdoor combat and gives gameplay more variety, both of which have value to Planetside 2.
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  11. Cab00se187

    it's called Connery. NC side
  12. Crackulous

    Yes, because tank shell is guide. It go chase soldier and boom soldier dead. Oh no, such cry, much sad.
  13. Timithos

    As far as fixing small outposts: We should be petitioning SOE to get the test server's Freyr Amp Station spawn room C installed into every small outpost on Auraxus. That spawn room is sunken into the ground and has 5 tunnel exits plus roof exit. Just make the exits spread apart 50 meters or more, and placing defenders 50%+ closer to capture points, generators, and vehicle terminals.
  14. skyN3T

    OP just got farmed. Good riddance.

    To be at least a bit constructive: Vehicles farm infantry because they have nothing else to do at the given moment, they do so until sufficient AA/AV is pulled. *Hopes for some vehicle only objectives.
    If you give infantry infantry-only bases, with the current spawn- and resource system + no vehicle objectives = vehicular gameplay dies out soon after, as they will serve no other purpose than transportation. Yes there would be some desperate pilots/tankers but with lack of targets it would be not that much fun.

    Given vehicle objectives (not more/other type of alerts!) the game will have a game in itself (you know... one kind of metagame?)
  15. Robes

    I started using my banshee lately, lot of fun and really brings the tears out, can't even begin to count the number of rage tells I've got from people in the last two weeks, its awesome.

    Oddly enough ive never really got any from using rocketpods, and seeing all the nerdrage here about them makes me sad :(
  16. Poorform

    I'm pretty sure you'd still see mossies underground.
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  17. Gustavo M

    If you are dying frequently by "airnoobs", it means that you are a noob yourself.
    i.e Don't play alone;"airnoobs" go away when you are in a squad.
  18. libbmaster

    This. +1 to all of this.

    I cannot believe that the concept of a "spawn shack" got through the design phase.
  19. Astriania

    Lolpods aren't the magic farm ticket I was promised. I want my 1000 certs back.

    Seriously though all you need is a HA or two with a lockon launcher, a single AA vehicle or burster MAX in your area and you're good. If you roll a whole area with no AA then you deserve all you get.
  20. TrainerS2

    More terian with caves that none vehicle cant go there , will be awesome .
    And about haresers c**ts if they get 30% or 40% damage slow them , and engiener in back sit repair it all the time WTF !!!
    And what with tire blow out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it shood slow hareseer