Dear SOE Plz remove the 75% threshold on Alerts and Caps, it simply favors the Pop dominant Empires on diffrent srevers to much Plz bring it back to the old 100%, so the underpop Empires would have a better chance of holding of the pop dominant Empire back if the choose too...........
I agree...the fights for that last zone were amazing and Planetside is worse for not having them anymore.
> 4 second delay between shot registeration is amazing. PS2 can't handle 1000 players in the same area. The 75% rule sucks, but we can't just go back to those awful primetime lagfests
Well playerpop dropped quiet a bit, since the epic laggy fights around Camp-Connery/Spec-Ops And who knows what benefits the optimization will bring
Cont-locking should be much harder. Cont-lock removal should also be harder. That pesky 75% on alerts should be removed to give factions in less dominate continent a fighting chance , not a 10min stand. I miss when cont-locks would last for +4 months.
I don't miss that they lasted because the entire empire could hole up in a single outpost that was damn near impossible to assault and damn everything else to being taken from them. Kind of killed the spirit of "defending the cap" despite the obviousness of having actually lost the continent (again) even if not the cap on it. Basically, Scarred Mesa Skydock was pretty much a troll move and decidedly was NOT the point to territory conquest in Planetside 2. A threshold was necessary to encourage actual strategic defense and counter-attacks... at least until the inter-continental lattice can be put in and everyone has their own backyard to hold onto But alas, people insist on putting as little effort into winning as possible, so even requiring a modicum of actual effort means the entire concept isn't worth the energy. And people are asking for a "meta game..." please. It's been there, they just don't care.
Was thinking 90% myself but 85% could work .. Would do away with those everyone hold up in one territory defenses but would still allow the lower pop factions to consolidate their forces in a few key area's .