Please Stop with the miss used term Bunny Hopping.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tawodi, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Tawodi

    For the sake of us that have played fps games long enough to recall when it first came about during the original days of counter-strike, when it was still a HF mod and not a valve game. It drives me up a wall to see these people who never played an fps till Halo refer to simply jumping around during combat as Bunny Hopping. I've mentioned this in another thread but I'll do it here on its own, Bunny Hopping was an abuse of in game mechanics to jump a certain way to vastly increase you speed. It had nothing to do with jumping and firing during combat. For those who still don't get it, I'll even link a video. This of course doesn't detract from the fact that yes jumping during combat to abuse game latency issues is indeed a problem. But please stop calling it something that it is not.

    • Up x 2
  2. Iksniljiksul

    I think that I am going to start using it since it seems to bother certain people so much. Oh no! Bunny Hopping!

    Lets focus on the term and ignore the fact that client prediction sucks in this game, and that jumping alters hit detection! That client prediction is way off from where we see ourselves on the screen and where the enemy sees us, so that we die after getting behind cover! That jumping adds a new portion to the vector that throws off client prediction even more! Yay for being stuck on the term! Good job! You're a politician already!
  3. Gamertech

    Bunny hopping is the name of the actual practice of repeatedly jumping up and down to avoid fire, simply because they are jumping up and down like a rabbit. Yes, the name was coined in the original CS where they had some absolute garbage coding which allowed speed boost, bullet dodging etc. which brought it to everyone's attention and started the whole thing, but even though this game is (slightly) better coded than CS so it doesn't have the speed boost at least, it is still bunny hopping due to the fact that they are still jumping around like a ****** trying to avoid fire.

    Jumping like a bunny = bunny hopping, it has nothing to do with the effects that it created in CS.
  4. PaperPlanes

    Jumping like a bunny would mean hopping forward fast. Rabbits do not jump straight up and down. They hop when they run because they have powerful leg muscles. So you actually just proved yourself wrong with this statement. This is why it was called bunny hopping in CS, because the act of hopping to add speed to your forward movement is precisely what rabbits do when they run.

    And lol at saying CS has bad coding, it's one of the best made games in history, it has perfect game balance and the best hit detection to ever grace the FPS genre. It's the Street Fighter 2 of shooters, there is a reason it's still one of the most played games in the world and is still the gold standard for competitive FPS.

    Comparing PS2 in any way to any GoldSRC iteration of CS is a complete joke and you should feel very bad for even thinking it.
  5. Otleaz


    A word isn't misused unless the receiving party is not able to grasp the intended meaning.

    If I mention that the party last night was insane, very few people will assume I am saying that the party was mentally damaged and an emotional burden on any or all of the people who love said party.
  6. Naterian


    Can't believe you're really going to argue about this...

    ...must have nothing better to do.

    Who cares if it's a misconception...splitting hairs is a waste of time.

    Good luck
  7. Lakora

    A thread all of its own... I don't mind if people call it rabbit jumping, bunny hopping, jumping up n down... Cause frankly it could of been far worse.... Could of been dolphin diving!