[Suggestion] Please SOE... do something about CQC and infiltrators in total

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Timeraider, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Timeraider

    Sadly sony names the class infiltrator.. the official name is Sniper.
    (read the whole post before you judge)
    for people who wanna skip the ragepart, scroll down to the serious suggestions

    Close range weapons suck really hard now and Sony is to ignorant to do something about that, stealth yust plain sucks at close range, our sensordart is nice but lasts way to short to be usefull during long-term OPS, we have less health then everyone else, we have less reaction time then other people due to having to leave stealth before shooting instead of removing stealth when starting to shoot, knifing takes 2 hits even from the back, we cant hack vehicles..

    this is no infiltration class, this is a sniper class and the fact that sony named it infiltrator is either hope for the future or a obvious lie.

    yust my opinion, i kinda think CQC infil is fun, but its so ****** up...

    i really hope they change something about this cause the whole infiltrator basics of PS1 are put in a shredder and fed to the fish..
    (not saying infiltrators are incompetent, not saying they are underpowered... but come on.. making infiltrator have weaker weapons, weaker health, weaker capabilities because we have stealth which is more of a pain at close range then usefull.. wtf is that.

    p.s. sniping is fine tbh, but the CQC is yust sad.. and for people who will probably point at me for doing it wrong. Ive got everything a CQC infil would dream off and ive been playing infil only since release (was in beta to). I sincerely enjoy infiltrating infiltrator and i will keep playing it, but that doesnt mean its balanced

    SUGGESTIONS (yes, unlike most rageposts i will yust post some suggestions with it even though most of them will probably already be posts:

    - Proximity mines need to be able to be picked up and put back in the utility slot. This can only be done if the mine hasnt exploded yet and has been deployed more then 15 seconds ago.
    - Shooting now can be done while in stealth, it will however remove the stealth the moment you click the button.
    - The semi-automatic scout rifle gets an 15% increase in RoF, the fully-automatic scout rifle gets an bullet magazine of 30 bullets, up from 20
    - Hold breathe (shift) while using a sniper rifle now lasts 30% longer
    - Knifing someone from behind does 50% more damage (also new knifes with blue/red/purple neon effects around the edge leaving light streams are available in the SC schop)
    - Vehicles can now be hacked. Vehicle hacking is a new cert, instead of reducing the hacktime it now allows you to hack vehicles.
    rank 1: hack light armor (Flash, light tanks, light airplanes)
    rank 2: hack medium armor (heavy armor tanks, liberators)
    rank 3: hack heavy armor (Sunderers and Galaxies)
    (it will kick everyone out of the vehicle when you take control over it, due to the time needed to hack this will most likely not works out well on moving vehicles so only at either abandonned or deloyed and undefended vehicles)
    - Sensor dart lasts 50% longer. At maximal rank it will also detect vehicles with the stealth cert.
    - A new stealth cert has been added. This cert increases the time you can stay in stealth and passively removes enemy signs above your head. (removing a red name, red arrow and avoid being spotted as enemy)
    rank 1: increases the amount of nanites in your cloak, allowing stealth to last 7% longer
    rank 2: increases the amount of nanites in your cloak, allowing stealth to last 15% longer
    rank 3: increases the amount of nanites in your cloak, allowing stealth to last 25% longer, also removes all enemy empire signs (removing a red name, red arrow and avoid being spotted as enemy)
    (this cert is an alternative to other cloak certs.. so do not compare this effectiveness with the lower cooldown stealth combined with this in mind.. yust look at uncerted cloak + this)
    - EMP grenades now disable vehicle movement and weapons for a short period of time
    - decoy grenades last longer allowing for a longer sound and minimap decoy to appear
    - Thermal and IR scopes can not spot stealthed units anymore due to advance light reflecting mechanisms in the nanocloaks
    - A rank 3 cert of the Bouncing Betty is now available, allowing Infiltrators to carry up to 3 proximity mines

    These are yust some small things.. it might seem like a nice list BUT do realise even if we got all this, Infiltrators would still not be optimal due to this being ALOT of changes, but only small ones slightly affecting gameplay

    Thanks for reading this and /salute

    - Timeraider
    Ingame gamedestroyer, IRL gamemaker

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  2. Hydragarium


    Or to put it in a different wording - Why the hell are you centering everything? This is not how you write a forum post.
  3. OldMaster80

    I agree on many things, and disagree on others.

    First of all I think that our buff for CQC should be very small. Infiltrators are not meant to slaugther enemies, we're spies, we make recognitions, we check enemy positions and disable their arsenal. We pave the way for the rest of the army, we're not meant to massacre everyone.
    Nevertheless I feel that ammo clips size of scout rifles should be increased: 20 rounds is often not enough to kill a soldier.

    Again cloak is actually a problem, I agree on that. But you can't make it last longer: the 10 seconds limitation has been added to the cloaking device to counterbalance the fact that we can have sniper rifles as primary weapon (that was not possible in PS1). Devs do not want to have snipers able to headshot people and running around invisible for a considerable amount of time, and I share this idea.
    I've been reading tons of ideas about cloaking, but I still believe that adding Stalker Suite is the way to go for Infiltrators.
    And claymores are also a problem: there's already tons of those around bases, I don't want to see more of them on the ground. I believe instead we should have C4.

    Concerning the rest, thumbs up. I'm confident SOE will make something about this class soon, it's obviouse that we're the weakest and less important career path of the game.
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  4. Sconna

    There's no reason to do the things you've mentioned as an infiltrator at the moment. What will you fulfill by making recognitions and check the enemy positions? Nothing. It doesn't feel rewarding when you go behind the enemy lines just to scout since people can't use the information very well which could maybe be because it's hard to look for information on the minimap. The fighter can do the scouting job MUCH better with the scout radar cert.

    One of the major problems I've seen playing as an infiltrator is that there are almost nothing to hack at all. Some bases only have the terminals inside the spawn room and no one outside. There's nothing major that you can hack and there's nothing much to infiltrate.
  5. OldMaster80

    This is one of the major PS2 game design's mistakes, imho. It's well known that we don't have a decent cloaking system to sneak behind enemy lines (for instance we totally lack dedicated vehicles. Shall we use a Lightning or that noisy Flashes to get close to enemy bases?). Giving us the choice between the current cloak and a permanet cloak suite would be a first step in the right direction, imho.
    Then, as you say, we need more things to do. We should be the best at takind down generators, jamming bases shields, scrambling turrets and so on. Personally I believe we need better hacking mechanics and more tools to harm our enemies in a very "infiltresque" way (i.e. jamming their minimaps with a specific device).

    I believe we all agree that, even if sniping is ok, this class needs a serious redesign.
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  6. Timeraider

    True, atm if we want someone to take down generators and stuff.. people usually prefer LA for their ability to fly over everything including walls etc. which is kinda sad.

    The jamming device could perhaps be a variation on the Recon device, would be nice to have such a thing.
    Also though you really think longer cloak is not needed due to snipers.. i have to agree.. i think it would probably make snipers to strong, even though pistols and scout rifles really need it.
  7. PanzerGoddess

    cqc is fine...you just suck at it.
  8. Mance

    To sum up; To much Dagger, not enough Cloak. Unoccupied enemy vehicles at the very least should be hackable. Yes that means sunder's as well. Oh what a world that would be! Chaos every where. In the game's current, "The big picture" view however I think the class in the hands of an outstanding FPS gamer is simply doing what it should. Softening of bases for cap. Not total conquest. Don't underestimate what hacking a Class Resupply effect can have on entire wave of defenders. I've seen it first hand many times.
    Me and my buddy often times suit up and go ahead of the main force hacking anything and everything. We can see our effects if you stay and watch and sniper the compound take over. Defenders running around like mad trying to respawn a tank or plane, but can not. To late, your forces have the buildings surrounded. It's a thankless job for sure. But it sure as heck helps having a few 'spies' turning a 35 minute cap into a 7 minute cap (Numbers are just for show) by making it hard on the defenders to respond.

    I'm sure improvements over the years will happen.

    EDIT: The IDEA of a class specific super fast, and most importantly QUITE vehicle should be looked at.
  9. Synobal

    A few of those things would be nice but I don't like the them as a group.

    For me my ideal changes are

    More Useful Sniper rifle attachments
    remove the -100 health debuff from the class
    Make more things hack able, specifically vehicles and Engineer turrets. I'd love to be able to hack an unmanned engine turret as I find them all the time.
    Make EMP grenades extremely disabling to vehicles. We are talking 20 seconds of lock down. I'd also like them sticky but it should take some skill and lets be honest sticky grenades right now don't work.
    Fix TR Claymores to make them more inline with the other empires (you can keep the directionalality just remove the high visibility aspect of it.

    Honestly that is about it, though I'd not mind a cloak option that increases the cloak duration but has a slower recharge, because a cloak that reduces incoming damage is a joke on a class that gets less health than the rest of the classes.
  10. pnkdth

    Pretty sure SOE is already aware of this. Won't be long untill we see SMGs or something similiar. Currently the full auto rifles are decent their terrible accurate from hipfire and low magazine size makes ADSing a requirement. Always find it funny that LAs get to have carbines, C4, and shotguns but when infiltrators want some it is so OP. Gets even sillier when almost everyone claim LAs abilities to outflank and suprise is superior to the cloak. So I wonder, which one is it? Is our cloak awesome or not?
  11. Timeraider

    Ah, thats a great statement you got there. For a guy who usually is fully against giving the Infiltrator the brandmark to only be an Sniper, you certainly seem to be against CQC.
    Never said CQC was that bad, but if you think the guns and utilities we have available for infiltrating and assassinations when inside are enough ... sure, nice for you.
    if there are two things i never do, they would be: 1. suck at something, 2. look at something with an subjective mind without looking at how it would be if the best player of the world with the best fitting tactic of the world would be able to use it.

    Changes for people who want to be an infiltrating CQC infiltrator are needed, whether you like it or not.
  12. Malacovics

    Beside full auto sniper magazine size increase and IR / Thermal scope nerf, the post actually makes sense.

  13. PanzerGoddess

    ......and where did you get the fact I am against CQC lol, that's all I do. I have a trouble for razzing people on the infiltrator forums lol, don't take it personally. I would love to have more things to use, but as far as any changes, I think infy is alright as it is atm. Give it time I'm sure we will get more things in our arsenal.

    The whole assassination thing however....this game is not for that, but that is my opinion, its a huge war, what will assassination do for someone that can shank someone behind enemy lines....nothing, only enjoyment. And as far as any heated battle, just another death, in trying to take smaller outposts with minimal enemy's yeah perhaps that might be useful.

    Infiltrator is not for everyone, specially cqc, if you don't like cqc then snipe at a distance, no one said you couldn't....not sure why you assumed I think the infy should be for sniping, apparently you are reading posts from my twin brother....as I don't recall being against cqc lol, I preach cqc, and if you don't like it, snipe.

    "Changes for people who want to be an infiltrating CQC infiltrator are needed, whether you like it or not."
    according to whom, you lol.....oh thats right theres about 15 other people on the forums that feel the same way :rolleyes:.....bring in at least 30% of the infys to agree then we will talk......but the 2% that whine constantly about the same ****.....go play another class
  14. Dr. Euthanasia

    Assassinations can be plenty useful if they're performed against MAX units. Particularly the anti air variety who spend all of their time well behind enemy lines, protecting their side from opposing aircraft in positions of nearly complete safety.

    ...Of course, all that would take is to give us access to C4.
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  15. PanzerGoddess

    this would be like ****** lol. Now this I would totally agree on
  16. Timeraider

    Haha true, true

    Meh, sniping from afar is to easymode XD i prefer something more dangerous and more adrenaline rewarding :D
    Only thing that frustrates me is that in planetsidee 1 they had a nice formula and even during the beta of PS2 we had alot more utility. After release we lost quite a bit of infiltration possibilities.
    And tbh, its not really a whine.. this is actually the first thread i started myself and you could more see it as a collaboration of suggestions ive seen on the forums so far which i agree on and collected in 1 post XD hehe
  17. PanzerGoddess

    well agree on the sniping from afar, hence why we developed the cqc fix. And tbh, cqc is alot better when you have others to do it with. A good cqc sniper can be lethal, but a few can even be more. We usually role with snipers, one medic and the occasional Engy. Keeps us alive, keeps us ammo if we have no terminals to grab some. Works well.

    I understand the frustration about ps1 to ps2....but really mate, this is not ps1 and never will be, adjust to the changes and find a way to make it work, once you do that, improve it and show people what is possible. We had more utility in beta yes....but really, the game is still young, never count beta for actual life of a game......now that the masses are playing give it time and see what happens, six months is what we should be watching.
  18. Makora

    I would rather prefer a powerful anti-materiel rifle. Think the barret (the .50 rams is not this, despite the name)
  19. Xidaraf

    What about for the decoy grenades it makes a sound of a different type of weapon every time you throw it