Please recommend best NC sniper rifle?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by trolltoday, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. VKhaun

    Read the rest of the thread please.
    • Up x 1
  2. IshanDeston

    Did, and now give me a source for your claim that heavies have more HP. Because they don't. They have more shield, but not HP.
  3. Meiu

    I don't mind doing a bit of testing personally. I will have to gather up a few willing people and mix it up a bit in that case.
  4. Meiu

    Yeah the health display is pretty crappy, this is good info to know and would be better if SOE would be a bit more open with players about this kind of stuff :(
  5. Intruder313


    All characters have 500 Health and 500 Shields except Infils. who have only 400 Shields.