Please, no auto voice callouts...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BoomBoom4You, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. BoomBoom4You

    Please, SOE...just don't do it, or at least make it optional. I'm all for the VO packs and more character voice options, but the auto callouts just reminds me of Call of Duty or other asinine, ADD game with so much chatter it makes my head want to explode. Yes, my head can WANT to explode.

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  2. aoyagiaichou

    I wasn't aware that they plan to do that, but I agree with optional. Some people might like to hear ammo / heal / repair shoutouts. Both input and output, too. I wouldn't want it to give out my position.
  3. Van Dax

    only audible to your own team.
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  4. AzureKnight

    According to the patch notes, it's random when it will happen and it will only be heard by your team. So it's not like you gotta hear it every time you reload from accidentally or intentionally firing a shot.
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  5. starlinvf

    This is a serious question, but do you have processing sound mentally? There are 2 people I know who have trouble in games like that, and one of them is has minor autism. Otherwise most people would filter it out as background noise..... except for those with good spatial awareness, who use it to find cloakers like a predator.
  6. FieldMarshall

    Its done...
  7. aoyagiaichou

    Oh god, to this day Killing Floors' "COVE MEY, IMMA RELOADIN" is haunting my dreams. Never ever make reloading an automatic shoutout.
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  8. Wecomeinpeace

    I'm usually not one of those "told ya' so" guys, but in this case i just feel the need to quote myself from an earlier thread about voice macros:

    Now admittedly, as it seems they atleast added some voice macros....but they are automatic. Still no proper voice macro system, still a stupid console wheel, still no "hi", "bye", "lovely", or anything remotely social. NOW WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT.
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  9. AzureKnight

    I've get a slight twitch any time I hear "I need some dosh"

    All i could think of was.. "That Heavy's a spy!" in the TF2 engi voice...
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  10. Crashsplash

    Annndd. I'm sure there's a twitter tweet from Muldoon that says a) enemies can't hear them and b) you can turn them of if you wish

    Can't be bothered to hunt it out though but it is ion the other thread on the patch.
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  11. TheFamilyGhost

    One of the reasons I left RO2 was because my character had Tourette's.

    Wouldn't it be better to give players a greater range of player controlled verbal messages than to make it automatic?
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  12. Jac70

    After doing some testing just now it seems the most obvious one is the 'grenade out' call. I can see the logic behind it but I would still prefer some control. Useful for warning your allies that you are about to put a grenade in but in the instances where it's just you it's also a warning to enemies.

    BF2142 had a system whereby you could double-tap [W] to sprint. One press = walk, double-tap = sprint. It was a great system that worked well and saved a keypress. Could there not be a similar system used here, press [G] to throw grenade, press [G] again during the animation to make the call out. Could also be used for reload.
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  13. Rockit
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  14. Tommyp2006

    I can't wait till I get on a big kill farming spree. It's gonna get as annoying as xp ticks when you have a popular AMS sundy ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN ENEMY DOWN

    If you can turn them off, then that's the first thing I'll do when I log in.
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  15. Rift23

    I wonder if this will happen when you kill people with mines on the other side of the map.
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  16. Anthrage

    As an engineer, this is game-breaking for me. I hear it constantly - and can't hear anything else when it is playing - and if the enemy does as well, I am constantly giving away my position. Can someone confirm this is not heard by the enemy? I do not see that stated in the patch notes - thank-you.
  17. NoctD

    I don't see a separate option to kill out just these voice callouts, maybe he means disable all voice including proxy chat.

    Which means this got implemented, and its still BAD and silly and we can't really get rid of it. Extra noise is unwanted noise.
  18. Kristan

    I'd like to have automatic callouts only if they'd be like TF2 ones.

    "If God wanted for you to live he wouldn't create ME!"
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  19. Hicksimus

    This idea was the last straw. I went back to BF3 yesterday.....the only thing I like less than BF3 is Planetside mixed with BF3.
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  20. PastalavistaBB

    Is it too much to ask for something like this?

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