PLEASE nerf Scythe A2G weapons ASAP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zverofaust, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. zverofaust

    The power on these things is ridiculous, pretty much like everything Vanu. Can 3-shot any tank in the rear, AA turrets pose absolutely no threat, and are pretty much the perfect all-round weapon able to be used to instagib enemy aircraft due to its insane projectile speed, snipe enemy infantry thanks to pin point accuracy, and slag any vehicle they come across.
  2. Bottar1

    Air to ground is confirmed getting nerfed for the faction specific air fighters or whatever you wish to call them.

    Not sure if they really deserve a nerf but whatever!

    So there is 0 need for this thread :).
  3. CaptainCareful

    Why are you picking out Vanu? Vanu A2G rockets IMO aren't as good as NC or TR against infantry, though accurate against vehicles.

    And no they do not 3 shot tanks in the rear.

    I'll slag you in a minute if you don't get off the bandwagon, we don't need a thread every time someone dies to rocket pods.
  4. AccelPrime

    Zverofaust strikes again! And fails miserably as always...

    Out of all three ESF's, the scythe comes in dead last, so if anything, the Scythe should be buffed. More info can be found in the vehicle section, might wanna check out what you're on about before you scream it out loud. Damn you look stupid man.
    • Up x 1
  5. Pixelshader

    the scythe pods might be the best for instagibbing tanks because when you use the rocket burst fire bug you always get 4 projectiles with them

    that said any tank unfortunate enough to find any type of esf hovering at close range behind it is gonna be dead really, really fast
  6. TheBand1t

    I remember you.

    I was busting you squad up last night before I went to bed with Breaker rockets and generally being a pain in your ***.

    Why on earth are you singling out Photon pods? I'm gibbing tanks all the time by flying low and coming up behind them before they can react.
  7. Valeriu

    Scythe A2G is weaker than both NC and TR versions....

    But I agree, they all need a nerf.