[Suggestion] Please make TR AI mines more visible

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anantidaephobia, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Vaphell

    you dimwit, they have much shorter lethal range and a delay on top. If you put them to the side, they will never kill anybody because when they finally explode the person triggering them is barely in their AoE zone. What, do you expect people to drop 2 at once to secure a single kill, maybe?
  2. LodeTria

    The problem is NC/VS ones don't even kill those people. Because they are sprinting in without a care in the world they can literally run past them.

    Damage isn't the issue, it's the activation time. It what makes the claymore OP and the VS/NC ones UP. It's either give instant trigger to NC/VS or remove it from TR.
  3. Mongychops

    It's funny how the TR managed to stop whining about Claymore's being underpowered, and started telling VS/NC to "git gud" around the same time that the other mines got an activation delay, damage nerf and lights added, while the Claymore's visible lasers were removed, and it got a damage range buff...

    What an extraordinary coincidence!
  4. Daigons

    Just wait until DBG finally offer the TR Claymore as a ammo choice for their Gatekeepers. Soon they'll be able to shower the countryside, roads and buildings with their under powered Claymore.
  5. FateJH

    To be fair, the TR asked the developers to fix the mines so that they only activate from the front and others have always thrown a suggestion every so often about making the mines instant, or doing more damage, or hanving more range, something as compensation for its slice of pie detection. The range fix was the only real important one because the damage was only ever applied "forward" even if the mine could be activated from "behind." The devs said they'd that (they failed once), and thus they did, and they also threw in the instant explosion. That's around the point where the mine's luck turned around statistically.

    All would have been fine if the story ended there.

    For some reason, the devs went back to the Claymore some time later and added the other two ideas - the greater range and the greater inner damage radius. Since the mine was already doing fine after the detection update, no one knows why they made the latter two changes. They didn't even make them at the same time, so buffing the Claymore multiple times was entirely something the devs did on their own, with no prompting.

    The lasers are a bizarre thing that have come and gone, dimmed and brightened, in between updates. They've also been reported as "flickering dimly." No clue why they behave so weirdly.

    The Proximity Mines and Bouncing Betties in the field (as in the number of Uniques) also hit a snag around PU2 when both had their maximum damage reduced to 1000 for some reason. Consequently, at that point, the Claymores stayed the same and the other two dropped to that level of use.
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  6. Imperial Sect

    This sounds just like the PPA crying from a few months back but now its the TR claiming its fine.

    So dear Daybreak.

    Buff the PPA back to what it was, just tell the TR to be more cautious and run flak armor lel.
  7. Goldmonk

    You mean this PPA? No, no, no, nope, noooooppppeeeee.
  8. Imperial Sect

    not VS's fault they all ran out there like lemmings without flak armor on, just gotta be more cautious.
  9. AxiomInsanity87

    So it's not TR's fault that people run into claymores

    I'm all for buffing the proxis and betties though.
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  10. Vaphell

    fuuuck these were truly dark times, the sound alone makes me sweat and gives me nightmares >_<
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  11. Rainproof

    I've found that my biggest problem is when I switch characters/factions..... I forget for a minute or two that it's a bad guy mine , than the bell goes off in my head just about the time it detonates! :cool:
  12. Lemposs

    Ughhhhhhh, my PTSD is triggering just from seeing that...
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  13. Shatteredstar

    With the lasher in not even sure how VS don't even check doorways and such. They have the ultimate mine clearing tool before breaching a room.

    I will say NC mines are sneaky Devils. Inside bases they seem to blend fabulously with floors and exterior rock. Claymores I've not had many issues with myself because I run about lashing and zap doorways or emp bomb a room/area before going in.
  14. Crayv

    Because I feel the need to post this in every discussion about Claymores

    Just in case people forget the other use of non-claymores
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  15. AxiomInsanity87

    The video angered me.

    Those were really dark and predictably boring times.
  16. Goretzu

    That's BB & PMs one real advantage, the chuck and run (or in that case chuck out of a window - although actually in that case Claymores would have likely worked quite well being thrown out of that window looking at how they would have landed then been set off, they may even have killed more their with their extra killzone range).

    Statistically though it is clear that the Claymore still kills much more.

    The other one is more about bad positioning (although I've said for years that Claymores should have an alt-deploy position), where again BB & PM have an advantage (although none are very likely to get a kill with bad positioning).

    With decent or good positioning though the Claymore wins hands down over the other two, currently.
  17. BurntMyWater

    The way I see it,
    BB/prox mines: Ease of use, flat profile lets you chuck them anywhere and MAYBE get a careless player(the lights might give it away though.)

    TR Claymore: Really effective when placed around corners, almost invisible unless you're careful. Can't place it out in the open. It's a big red and grey brick.
  18. CorporationUSA

    The NC and VS mines are way easier to spot than the TR mines. How about instead of making the TR mines easier to see, they make the other 2 harder to see.
  19. lothbrook

    Plenty of balance issues in the AI mine area.

    BB/Prox Mines-
    2m Max Damage radius
    Delayed detonation
    Visible lights screaming "I'M RIGHT HERE"
    1000 max damage
    Non-Directional Blast radius

    3m Max Damage
    Instant Detonation
    No visible lights
    1300 max damage
    Directional Blast Radius

    Basically the claymore does more damage, can kill past 3m because for some reason it does more than 1000 damage, instantly blows up in your face, and lacks the disco lights of the others which make them basically useless at night where the claymore can be almost impossible to see, while having the slight disadvantage of it being directional, but 9 times out of 10 AI mines are placed with the anticipation of an enemy running through a specific area making the longer directional reach a superior option.
  20. asmodraxus

    Turn off or tone down the lights of the BB and Prox and give them instant detonation, problem solved and then TR can b!tch and whine about how OP they are for a change, and the NC/VS can say get a clue about mine placement and use flak armor.