[Suggestion] Please improve the auraxium weapons!! (DEVS)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuraxiumPower, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. AuraxiumPower

    In playtime I always focused on directives. I love the idea of rewarding players with shiny weapons/armors. You can keep many players motivated with the Directive System. But my motivation has gone!
    First: we need 5800 kills to unlock one aurax. weapon! --> unique/great rewards expected

    I tested/compared all aurax. weapons on test server (I already have unlocked the Butcher, Godsaw, Betelgeuse, Gauss Prime, Fortuna). >>>>>> My conclusion: You (the Devs) are so uncreative! Ok, Vanu heatmachanic is an approach. But why do you think a default weapon with an auraxium shader on is worth to grind?
    Example: The Executive, Immortal, President, Gauss Prime, Unity, Fortuna, Trac Shot, Tempest, Shuriken, Skorpios, Moonshot, Spectre, Bighorn, Havoc, Brawler, Chaos, Guardian, DMR 99, Revenant, The Kraken, Auraxium meele and at least Betelgeuse, Eclipse and Darkstar - most of this weapons are boring default weapons!

    Be creative, develop / design new aurax. weapons with an unique look/ sound/ attachments / stats....whatever. Give the veterans / new players more interesting targets to rich. Some people like the Godsaw, Betelgeuse....
    But at the end: Godsaw = Gaus Saw, Betelgesue = Orion, Butcher = Carv ...............
    Give us something new!

    (english is just my second language, sorry for spelling mistakes)
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  2. frozen north

    The Aurax weapons are the statistical superiors to their base line counter parts ( VS is sorta an exception, but hey, infinite ammo on a lot of them). In every case, even when getting attachments to perfectly or near perfectly match, the aurax weapons still end up being better. The best example I can give is with the auraxium pistols. Unlike a normal suppressed pistol, the aurax ones have no reduction in max damage range, and no reduction in bullet velocity, which normally does occur with a suppressed pistol.

    Now on the cosmetics side, that's a different story. I personally do not care for the colour scheme on the majority of the aurax weapons, and a part of me thinks it would be interesting if they had something to make them feel distinct, like comedic reload animations as an example.