Please give the SAW Soft point Ammo as a equiptable option.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. ComradeHavoc

    An NC faction trait actually in a weapon... madness!
  2. Undeadfred

    Honestly giving SAW soft point isn't going to make it OP. What makes the saw so good is it only really has to deal with Vertical recoil (as opposed to horizontal), but that's a bit irrelevant to the topic.

    The only reservation I'd have to giving the SAW soft point is purely philosophical. I feel it goes against the gun philosophy of the game. Usually weapon attachments make specialized guns stronger in that specialty, not make them more versatile.

    Giving SAW soft point doesn't make the SAW more OP but rather it just runs counter to that philosophy.
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  3. Pirbi

    I want you to curve the bullet.
  4. Mxiter

    HVA = long range weapons.
    SPA = close range weapons.

    Use your weapons at its intended ranges.

    Does people ask HVA for Orion, MSW-R or Carv? No because it isn't them roles.

    The gauss saw could get access to SPA if they remove the compensator.
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  5. tastyBerryPunch

    Jackhammer, GD-22s, Blitz, Cyclone, Anchor,.....
  6. NinjaTurtle

    Can we just instead increase it's rate of fire to 1000 and damage per bullet to 1250 :D
  7. Scr1nRusher

    Actually Soft point ammo is Designed for Mid Range not long range.

    And you don't have to Remove the much needed compensator to do so, that's just illogical Thinking/balancing.

    Soft point ammo doesn't effect recoil or stopping power mind you.
  8. Scr1nRusher

  9. Scr1nRusher

    IKR people think its butter!
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  10. teks

    Why should this one weapon be treated differently then every factions equivalent?

    The default gun's advantage is that it can have every upgrade, while the long range and short range guns get a limited selection.

    thats how it is un purpose and by design for balance, and all factions have the exact same setup.

    If you want softpoint switch guns
  11. Mxiter

    SPA = close range.

    I don't think that SMGs, anchor, GR22, GD7-F are made for longer range than GD-22S, Mercenary, gauss rifle ect.
  12. TheBloodEagle

    It's not given because they want to give you a reason to use the other weapons. Can't have everything you want in one.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    Yes you can, play TR ;)

    Several other Guns including LMG's have soft point ammo as a option.

    Your purposely limiting Your information, when in actually its simple to read up on.
  14. Mxiter

    If you find saw vertical recoil too strong, don't use HVA or use compensator or both.

    SPA increase the max damages by 5m and reduce velocity/increase the drop as tradeoff. It is only avalable on close range or "S" weapons.
    Wich LMG have access to SPA?
    -MSW-R = CQC weapon.
    -Carv-S = "S series".
    -T32 bull = close range support.

    -Anchor = Close range weapon.
    -Saw-S = "S series".
    -EM1 = close range support.

    -Polaris = Close range support.
    -Flare = Saw-s Clone.

    Does AC-X11 /Razor /Reaper DMR /gauss saw /battle rifles /T5 AMC /SABR-13 /TMG-50 /T16 rhino /Corvus /CME /Pulsar-C /Ursa have access to SPA?
    Because it's long range weapons.
    How to recognize them?
    It generally have access to Advanced foregip, HVA and compensator. It aso have low ROF, decent fist shot multiplier, low horizontal recoil and generally good muzzle velocity.

    Enouth information for your limited brain?

    You can also use the Saw-S wich have access to SPA. ;)
  15. TheBloodEagle

    It's easy to be a ****** on these forums huh? ;)
  16. Scr1nRusher

    Hurt? Well The truth tends to do that ;)
  17. Mxiter

    From your link:
    Soft Point Ammunition has increased wounding capability at close to medium ranges.
    High velocity ammunition has a faster travel time and is more effective at long range.