[Suggestion] Please fix the knife hit detection

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anantidaephobia, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Anantidaephobia

    What the title says. As of now it's pretty difficult to hit someone with a knife, even when taken by surprise. Once the guy hears an infiltrator uncloaking, he turns around and while you can miss up to 4 slashes while standing very close(dancing ?) he eventually kills you first.
    Please please do something about that. I don't want to become another "LMG infiltrator" with easy kills, but knifing is way too hard to achieve.
    • Up x 1
  2. Imperial Sect

    The need to just fix hit detection in general. It's getting really frustrating dying when you know you are behind cover.
  3. Lemposs

    That is under latency problems, not hit detection :p
  4. Benton582

    Like Lemposs said:
    Basically means that when you hit with your knife, the lag between you and the player will cause you to seem like you missed, causing hit detection problems, there is currently no "Sure fire" way to fix this, but only able to help the situation, but that costs alot more money than you think.
  5. Crayv

    What's really annoying is when you see them flinch and it even plays the sound effect for when you get a kill but you did 0 damage. WTF is that about?
  6. Lemposs

    I was referring to when you round a corner and then die, that is latency not hit detection being a problem. But yeah hit detection is likely hard to fix in a game that has a big a load on servers as PS2 can have when 200+ people are in a small area, with tons of effects etc. (whereas a 1-12 fight you can easily hit what you aim at).
  7. Lemposs

    I think that is your own client registering a hit and then plays the animation for you hitting someone, but the server doesn't register the hit, and hence you'll do no damage.
    I have seen that several times when using a pump action, which is very clear when all pellets hit, but doesn't register.