[Suggestion] Please, finally fix Claymores!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 1Tap2Tap, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Revel

    Sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but life ain't fair. You want your cake and eat it to. EOD hud and flak exist for a reason and are available to you. You don't wanna run them, then you risk dying easier to mines, grenades, and splash damage. Good gameplay isn't everyone running Nano 5 with Battle Hardened 4 or Sensor shield.
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  2. TheFlamingLemon

    I've never had a problem with n5 or battle hardened or sensor shield. Those things don't worsen gameplay they just make it more interesting. I don't see how mines that can instant kill help gameplay. Having them do damage as I described would mean they would have to be tended for easy kills, so they would still be just as good for defense and would even be more fun in that respect, but won't instant kill players who walk next to mines such as walking through a doorway. They would be reduced to a sliver of health.
  3. Revel

    Who wants to waste 75 resources to wound someone? Seriously?
  4. gartho33

    ahhhh.... so that's the root of this topic.... Mines are not fun to YOU and you think that they need to change... but why should they change if someone else finds them fun? This mechanic is to punish target play styles (of which you are quite apparently a part of, hence they are perceived to be a problem to you).

    If this is an issue about Claymores specifically, then all that needs be done is reduce the delay on the other mines (and likely reduce/remove the lights in some fashion AFTER time and data are given to show that they still need adjusting).
    If this is an issue with mines as a whole... this is clearly a "my way or the high way" out cry in an attempt to conform this game to YOUR standards... In which case, you have been given "hard" counters to this problem, at the same cost as using the counters you do currently (aka: I can counter X and maybe Y, BUT Z will still be a problem IF I run into it).

    If mines are such a problem (and you keep running into them so often), my question is, Why are you not using what the Devs have already put into place to neutralize this problem?
  5. TheFlamingLemon

    First off this is not a personal issue. I die rarely to mines but I don't feel like the times I do have added to the game for anyone. When I die to most other things I take refuge in the fact that I at least brought joy to my killer, but I know from my experience using mines that they aren't fun. You place a mine and then leave, and someone may step over it and get you a kill and you feel nothing. The only way for it to be fun is to defend a room with it that you are in, but even then they are an instant kill and it still provides no effort and therefore no pleasure. I want mines to change because it would make them more fun to use and play against.
  6. DrostenVS

    As a MAX user, I'm seeing more TR dropping them on me like C-4 because they do so much damage. I can walk over an NC mine and be left with nearly a full bar of armor, but a claymore drops me down to roughly 1/4 of a bar (maybe a bit less). Note: I tend to run with armor regen because I don't have an engineer handy.

    I'm seeing more TR rushing me to drop a claymore, then attempt to burn me down with their rifle when my armor is almost gone. So now I not only have to worry about tank mines and C-4, but I also have to worry about claymores being used as mini C-4.
  7. Goretzu

    2x correctly set up Claymores should (I think) kill any infantry, but a MAX, and it should do a lot of damage to a MAX.
  8. SirStressALot

    Claymores are the easiest to see. They are high off the ground while ur bettys and the proxy from VS are very low and are not easy to see on struggling Terrain!

    So No Nerf on Claymore. Discussion end!
  9. gartho33

    Actually.... this is... as you say (right after this claim might I add) that :

    This is a complete personal statement.

    You then follow by projecting.
    Implying that your personal experience is what everyone else is experiencing, and your personal view is what everyone else views.

    I don't doubt that many people are frustrated by mines (or even Claymores specifically), but don't go around making such statement that this is not a personal problem.... It is, otherwise you (like I or many others) would not be bothered enough by it to post.

    What MAY not be fun to YOU, could very well be an absolute blast (yes pun intended) to someone else.
  10. Alexkruchev

    What about NC mines having bigger splash, to cover an entire doorway as shown the Claymore can. Another thought is what if they could have a stealth-mine, like a mine which would have a very bad camouflage (like a sprinting infiltrator). That way, you could feasibly put an NC mine in a doorway and not have it get spotted instantly from distance. It should also not be spot-able without EOD hud. Also, it should be highlight able with a dark-light (as something a bit more visible than an equivalent infiltrator)

    VS mines could have a narrower explosion radius, say, a directed explosion, but can be placed on vertical surfaces (like a C4 Brick). These mines would have smaller kill radii than the NC or TR mines, but could be used in interesting ways. Maybe make it so someone with an adrenaline pump at a dead sprint might make it far enough in that the blast only causes 600 points of damage instead of 1000+.

    TR mines stay the same, as they are quite good as is.

    Or maybe, all three factions should get one of each kind of mine based on the player preference. Because it would make sense for an army to deploy different kinds of anti-infantry mines!
  11. TheFlamingLemon

    It's a reasonable assumption that other players feel the same way I do about these things as the reasons I feel that way reign true for all players. Having things not present a challenge means you get no gratification from accomplishing the tasks.

    I'm pretty sure it's not just me. At least, judging by the thread this is in.

    I once again don't see how it's fun unless if it presents a challenge. Unless if it's an infiltrator suicide run with a proxy mine into a group of enemies, for example, then it won't bring much of a feeling of accomplishment. (off topic, I chuckled)
  12. Goretzu

    If that were true (and it isn't - the lights on BB/PM more than make up for the mines profiles, never mind the damage and killzone ranges and trigger delay differences) then why are Claymores 70% more effective?
  13. FateJH

    You don't have to make assumptions, though. That's why these forums exist - to talk to other people about things.
    Your challenge is to get into a room without dying.
    I mine doors as an early warning trigger when fortifying buildings. Even if I get an entry in the kill reel, I must go and explore the potential incursion, as my mine can only go off once; and, as it had gone off, that avenue of ingress is now exposed.
    The purpose of this thread is to datamine on suggestions to improve the NC and VS mine. Certainly, you get complaints that mines are annoying, but no more than the usual people who filter into a topic to describe that the topic's subject matter is annoying to them. That's common to threads on this forum.
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  14. 1Tap2Tap

    So if BB/PM get their lights removed, which I suggested in the case Claymores stay unchanged, that´s a nerf to Claymores?

    Please elaborate.

    I am really curious.

    As long as NC and VS are the only ones that are required to use a certain implant (including running energy) or suit slot, or both, ALL THE TIME to have a chance to escape instant, unforseeable death (method got explained often enough), it IS overpowered.

    How about we give NC an AV mine (or make that 5 with engineer pouch) that does directional damage (say, up to ~15m) and oneshots every vehicle, that is not running Mineguard, crossing its detonation radius while it can be placed inside a curve where you cannot see it without EOD before you drive into the blast radius?

    And when, even if you know it is there, your only options are to drive into it and die, go somewhere else or wait until someone else drives into it (and dies)?

    According to you, TR/VS would be totally happy being forced to run MG/EOD all the time while driving, just to not get wrecked by something they otherwise have no realistic chance to defend against, right?

    Because while the enemy necessarily is running FLAK/EOD just to have a chance against Claymores, you run NW5/Sensor Shield and will eat the cake, too?

    Oh and funnily enough, while you are running NW5/Sensor Shield, you have no issue seeing NC/VS mines.

    No implant/suit slot needed. You can even run straight over them and survive.

    Balance, right?

    Also, please explain why Claymores are 70% more effective than BB/PM.

    Again, really curious.

    (On a recent note, yesterday only I died to 3 "invisibly" (see thread) placed Claymores. In contrast, I cannot remember when I died the last time to a Proximity Mine. Must be weeks/months. But that´s just coincidence lol.)
  15. Revel

    I've been playing my VS guy exclusively for over a month now. I have died 0 times to Claymores. I am not running EOD or Flak. Guess what? I can wear Nano 5 and any implant I want and still can't escape unforseeable death in the form of snipers able to hit the odd moving headshot, or vehicle main guns doing the same thing. You should be glad there's at least 3 ways to prevent Claymore deaths.

    Well, to be honest I do run full Flak and EOD on the following classes but its not because of mines. MAX, Engineer doing repairs, and HA during tower assaults with all the C4/grenade spam.

    I actually died to a Betty last night. Sure, it was because I literally just accepted a revive and some idiot walking by triggered it and got me in the blast radius while I had no shields, but it counts right?

    I'm actually fine with them removing the lights from Bettys and Prox mines. Ways to defend against them exist.
  16. PlanetBound

    Must be a bug because numerous times I've avoided claymores in doorways where I look down and see the thing start to open up and just back off.
  17. Goretzu

    You shouldn't be able too, unless maybe you're running a very high amount of latency (or you are [IMG] The Flash :eek: ).
  18. Spankay

    I don't know about you but on Miller, I waste a ton of nanites for the few lucky kills I get from Claymores. Most infils just throw an emp to clear a doorway and waltz right in.

    After seeing this happen on a regular basis I tried it as well and it's ridiculous how one 25-nanite EMP can render a 75-nanite AI mine useless. Plus, you can carry a max of 4 EMPs compared to a max of 3 AI mines.

    4 EMPs is enough to clear a way thru 1 gate/doorway into a base, clear 1 doorway to a shield gen, then 1 to A point. And you got 1 more left to drop the shield of a defender coming your way for an easy kill.

    Only the medic and engi have no way of avoiding, tanking or setting off a mine at distance.

    And this guy is complaining about an item that has literary a half dozen or more counters available. All I can say is GG then, nothing can help you.
  19. Dualice

    Claymores might be effective in blocking doorways in this way, but they're less effective than proxies or betties in others. As I'm sure you know their blast zone is the cone delineated by the green lasers, so if you activate it facing the "wrong" direction, you'll receive no damage at all. By contrast the other two AP mines deal their damage in a solid 360° area-of-effect.

    I'll concede the glow on the VS and NC mines could be toned down a bit, but even then they have a fairly flat profile, and if placed at the top of a staircase, for example, it's quite easy to not see one until it's too late.
  20. AxiomInsanity87

    That's impossible

    Looks more like an infi heard you and dropped 2 to try and take you out.