Please buff the Fracture

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dgross, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Dgross

    How's this for a change of's not a Raven thread.
    It's a Fracture thread!

    Buff it. It's sad.
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  2. axiom537

    /Agree - it is only killing like 3 vehicles/ hour and for 450 nanites that is unacceptable. The Ravens kill about 9 and the Vortex 8, that is the standard we should be shooting for.

    I think it needs a tighter cone of fire and a higher velocity on the rockets. This will give the TR a good infantry based ranged AV option that can more easily hit vehicles at range or hit fast moving vehicles.

    I have also thought that a charge up would be an interesting addition. Basically, The player holds down the trigger and that starts a pre ignition on the rockets and once the the player releases the trigger the rockets fire in rapid succession one right after the other, this would allow the MAX to stay back in cover, charge all the rockets then hop out and release a barrage.
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  3. CapEnTrade

    I'll third this.
  4. FieldMarshall

    I think it needs more accuracy. At the moment, i dont see any point in using it over pounders at any range.
    Sure it has less drop, but you are still compensating for drop anyway, so you may aswell get used to the pounders drop and be better off.

    A tighter COF, more velocity and less/no drop would really help make it viable over pounders at range.
    Its not too much to ask, considering both NC and VS variants have practically no chance to miss at longer ranges.

    No idea why they nerfed fractures ranged accuracy in the first place. The ai dmg nerf was justified though.
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  5. y3ivan

    NCM3 Raven-Left AVPKH 4.52
    NCM3 Raven-Right
    AVPKH 4.81
    MR1 Fracture-Left AVPKH 3.08
    MR1 Fracture-Right AVPKH 3.25
    Vortex VM21-Left AVPKH 3.34
    Vortex VM21-Right AVPKH 4.08
    Comet VM2-Right AVPKH 2.63
    Comet VM2-Left AVPKH 3.46

    No No, you got it wrong, i would rather nerf all AV as part of the MBT update. Besides the data shows raven slightly overperforming
  6. PostalDude

    Nah m8, the Anchor needs a buff more. Kappa
  7. Goretzu

    Its AI ability was definately plain broken, but it had very good AV and AA ability too (especially with Lock-down), arguably too good (especially AA-wise), so I suspect that had something to do with it (it just wasn't as obvious as the 100+ AI-only Fracture MAXs in every engagement :D ).

    The trick is to give it a needed AV buff, without giving it an AI buff (or really an AA buff) again.
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  8. baka

    Fracture needs a higher default velocity, with Lockdown slightly increasing velocity, fire rate and reducing reload times, AND giving a slight COF reduction.
    Reduce the AI component by giving infantry (soft) targets a higher resistance to the rounds and define it as "Rounds detonate only on armored (hard) targets".
    Do NOT add any Coyote mechanism.

    Hell, add that AI adjustment to the Pounders, if you want. Increase the splash damage and increase direct damage resistance for soft targets.
  9. FateJH

    Due to the fact that the MR1 Fracture shares the same Damage Type Modifier as standard MAX AV weapons, excepting the Vortex, they'd have to make a new type for it, or give it some other more suitable existing damage type. We came from a place where its base damage was higher already so we can't go back down that road without complications.
  10. axiom537

    No there is no need to nerf MAX AV as part of the MBT update and the reason I say this is because the MAX is a special unit. The user is not a normal infantry unit, they can not flip points, get into vehicles, pop med kits, resupply themselves etc. etc. and they have a 450 nanite cost associated with them which is just as much as a MBT.

    Yes, the Raven is the best of the AV Maxes, but I do not feel it is over performing, when we take into consideration other AV options the player has that also cost nanites to pull, such as AP lightnings, AP MBT's, both of which kill over 12 vehicles/hour + 12 or so infantry/hour.

    Ravens are only slightly better then Vortex's, but when you also take into consideration the vehicles kills gained by the Lancer and Phoenix, then we see the VS with a slight lead, but it's so similar I wouldn't touch either of those MAX's or their ESRL as they are balanced.

    The TR on the other hand are at a loss for ranged AV, other then the AP Prowler which is to top Ranged AV weapon in this game which definetely helps, but they still need something better infantry based wise.

    Like I said I think the best option would be to give the Fracture a COF buff and a velocity buff to the rocket. This should give them additional range and speed for hitting targets at range or that are fast movers...Pounders are good for vehicle targets under 150m and also do really good infantry damage. so where TR are lacking is vehicle killing power in the 150-300 m range or vehicles that are fast movers, such as harassers.
  11. FieldMarshall

    I totally agree. Would hate to see it overbuffed only to get reduced to nothing later on =]
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  12. Dgross

    Don't care what they do, just do "something" (that feels like a buff)
  13. Liewec123

    remove the wobble while firing.
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  14. Mezinov

    I have to agree. I was playing last night (I don't get to play as much as I used to, is sad) - and normally main NC. However, NC pops were absurd and they were curb-stomping Esamir.

    So I switched to the under-popped faction. At the time, this was TR.

    After a few hours playing, I can say that you can certainly feel the difference in range AV options on the TR. They were consistently struggling to dispatch vehicles engaging and destroying their Sunderers from range; and it wasn't for a lack of trying. Hull down AP lightnings that would have been vaporized by 1 or 2 Vortex or Raven MAX's were just giggling and rocking back and forth against 4-5 Fracture MAX's.
  15. SwornJupiter

    Laser-guided fractures. DBG omg pls.
    Dont worry, ravens will still hit harder and this will bring fracture's performance in line with the other ES AV MAX weapons.
  16. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Fractures actually have the potential to out DPS Raves right now so making them laser guided would make them better than Raves.

    Simple fix to both would be to lower the reload time of Ravens so they can't be spammed as much. For Fractures remove the wobble, give it no drop or at least significantly reduce drop, and then remove the camera shake on impact.
  17. Neo3602

    IMO the damage that the Fractures do is fine it's getting shots to his consistently at long range that is the problem.

    Along with the changes already suggested I also think that the effect for fracture shots hitting the ground need to be changed to make it easier to tell where they are hitting at long range.
  18. Pikachu

    Undo bullet drop nerf. Undo velocity nerf.
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  19. ZDarkShadowsZ

    NC have laser-guided rockets of death.
    VS have laser beams of death.
    TR should have heat-seeking somethings of death.


    Great idea but would probably never work.

    But seriously, I agree, the Fractures seem to be the rotten egg of the 3 and it'd be nice if at least something was improved to make them seem less crappy.
  20. Goretzu

    To be honest I'd rather the do one thing at a time and see how it goes, of course, historically with SOE/DBG they prefer to change 10 things at a time and then wonder why they over did it! :D
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