Please allow the test of Stalker and Melee booster

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Nexnyn, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Nexnyn

    Please enable people to test the Stalker cloak and melee booster for infiltrator, at the very least in the VR training area where it is listed.
    Being able to test it at any level will give people a better understanding on both ends if, even if its current statistical ability, is overpowered or underpowered. With simply better understanding on how they perform in their current form, even gives people better basis on whether or not they would need tweaking or are pretty much ready for live.
    The same could be said for some of the other classes abilities that were scrubbed, and never allowed to be tested during beta
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  2. Gadamlu

    the entirety of the Infiltrator playerbase begs this of you, SOE
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  3. Nexnyn

    Allowing the test of these and other class abilities, also has the benefit of having longer to work out the kinks. Instead of if and/or when they are actually enabled on the test server normally may be in too close proximity of when they are planned for release. This will severely reduce the churn out effect of over-tuned weapons and abilities that have to be balance passed multiple times after going live, or plain bad ideas from reaching live without the devs at the very least know it is going to be that way.
  4. Kon

    soon(tm), i have a feeling they want to have people focusing on this rather than other things.. which im fine with the PTS isn't going anywhere itll be here till the game no longer gets updated...
  5. KlyptoK

    I'm pretty sure it will come out for testing when it's ready. Right now it's a focus on the battleflow and UI improvements right?
  6. Laraso

    In the same way that we will probably never see the "Mosquito Gun" or the "Lightning Ball" released, you have to question whether these are being actively developed and are planned to be released at a later date, or if they are some forgotten experiment from long ago.
  7. Nexnyn

    THe mosquito gun and Lightning ball are just GM/ Dev tools.
    The Melee booster and the Stalker Camouflage Cloak were actually locked options in beta that existed in the cert choices. They also exist on the wiki I believe
  8. Skeith

    i dont get why a test server doesnt have enabled the stuff that it's supposed to be tested
  9. Ronin Oni

    It does.

    Obviously the stalker cloak isn't ready for mass testing.

    It will be enabled when it is.

  10. ShadowAquilaX

    They want us to test specific thing not just everything all willy nilly. when they are ready to let us test the cloaks and other such things they will let us know.
  11. Skeith

    oh yeah i forgot how a cloak that is exactly the same as the hunter besides the recharging requires more than 6 months from game release to require to be tested
  12. Ronin Oni


    Obviously they've been working on other parts of the game.

    It's going to be a big game changer when they add it... so they're probably being very careful with it's implementation. It probably sat in purgatory a long time while they tossed around ideas.

    Oh... and currently, being cloaked puts in a hard limit on not being able to fire... so it's not quite as simple as you make it out to be.
  13. Skeith

    it is trust me,they just didnt care for the time being
  14. Nexnyn

    yea it is def something simple and wouldn't break the game one bit. However letting us test it in the VR alone on a TEST server is not really "testing for the masses"

    They could give us stalker cloak, have cloak make zero noise, and give us 1hko knife kills from behind on live servers and it still wouldn't be in the slightest overpowered... want to know why?

    Because the class and it's class ability will still ONLY be profiting off of ignorant and oblivious enemies, just like in a sniper's case, enemies that stand still.

    When the cloaks In this game are only really efficient when you are far away and the enemy is *NOT* looking in your direction. What is the point...

    If anything just opening stalker, melee booster and some of the other class abilities to the test server VR room alone, could in a butterfly effect, keep people playing longer that would naturally quit because their class(es) are either not functioning correctly, or lost all flavor. This way they get to test things and give them hope for the future, in turn possibly giving SOE more money
  15. Laraso

    I know. The point is, regardless of what is shown in the VR, only what they have told us can be confirmed and we have no way of knowing whether or not they intend to add all these extra items into the game. They could easily be leftovers from things they were experimenting with earlier, but decided to scrap in the end. See the vehicle frames for example. There are many of them, such as "Vehicle Handling" or "Top Seed", which were obviously combined to create Racer and Surge frames that are in the game today.

    Unless SOE specifically says otherwise, I think it's best to just assume everything they haven't already told us about is not going to be implemented.
  16. Ronin Oni


    OHK knives with zero noise cloak....

    yah... that's not OP at all. :rolleyes:

    Let's add an AoE blast wave on decloak that knocks out shields like EMP while we're at it.
  17. Nexnyn

    Exaggeration of imagination are usually key elements in the argument of a child :p

    The cloak would still be just as visible.....
    I said from behind being a requirement....
    You have to get into KNIFE range......
    Any of this sinking in?

    Would you rather Infiltrators have shotguns? I've seen recent threads with a lot of people (majority too) that would be perfectly okay with infiltrators having shotguns again, with the current state of the game.

    OHK from 10m........ vs ......... OHK from <1m and from behind

    Also the TTK on some of the LMG.....ARs......Carbines.....SMGs is actually equal to the knife animation itself.
    So it is okay for those to have 0.5s TTK and have quite the range.... but a OHK that takes 0.5s to execute from someone who snuck up on you would be OP?

    As for the silent cloak.... if they aren't going to near completely remove the noise, lets make it an even playing field shall we. Lets make all the HA shields only work against explosive damage but instead make them vulnerable to it (sneaking with loud noise). Lets make the LA jetpack root the LA for 10s after use (sneaking with loud noise) Lets make the Medic gun only work on enemies (sneaking with loud noise) Lets make the engineer repair gun damage friendly vehicles (sneaking with loud noise)
