Hey guys, i was just wonder for those who know or how to play with the Shield Regen Device,how do you guys run it? Is it in the Loadouts you run? When ever I try to play with it because I love to play Medic,I always feel useless outside of Defensive play and usually never get any kills outside of gimping people with a shotgun and that never usually last very long. Any advice would be helpful in running the Shield Device because atm, i absolutely hate the damn thing.
I only used it to get the medic directive reward and never touched it afterwards. Just use Medkits instead of C4 on your loadout and you should be performing the same as usual. General tips in a firefight are; 1) You will need to kick the habit of pressing F while taking fire. 2) Deploy the shield but don't stand in it unless you really need the shield regeneration. Reason being that the bright shield glow will attract all kinds of unwelcome attention to you. Eg; C4 fairies, grenades and HE rounds. 3) When smoke is being used, do not stand in the bubble as your character outline will be highlighted, thus making you highly visible to enemies.
Pop it down at every choke point that your push gets stuck at, even if it's only for seconds. Every time you see a group of allies standing still somewhere, use it. You'll get plenty of xp, ribbons and you're helping to get your allies back into the fight. Whenever there's smoke on your position, destroy your own device or you'll be hindering your teammates. In general I find that the shield regen device is far more useful for a frontline support medic than the nano regen device. Anyone that tells you not to ever stand in the bubble/use it because it makes you a bit more shiny is doing it wrong. The only time when you'll ever be hindered by the "shield" thing that it forms around you is when you're inside smoke, and I already told you how to prevent that from happening. TL;DR: When you see allies standing still, put it down and try to use it to your advantage. By avoiding standing inside the bubble you're only harming yourself.
My loadout with shield regen includes: A basic CQB / Midrange AR, the shield regen thingy, the tier 1 health regen implant, res nades (Sometimes healing, hey - some of us use those!) and C4. Tips for using the shield regen: You can place it inside the wall of a building, the shield will extend through the structure, so any units using the building as cover will have a nice pile o shield restoration coming through. Place it atop objects in biolabs and in niches in the wall - they'll last quite a bit longer that way, and provide shield regen to people on higher floors.
Drop it at all choke points, amazing exp. Run flak anymore when not needing grenade bandolier. regen3, carnage typically run about a 3 to 4.0 k/d no ramboing, just healin/rez and kill the wounded and rez his victim. But even 1v1 did very well no hitreg problems and carnage is amazing hipfire close quarters they die so fast. I get a lot more use and so do squad mates from the shield device than aoe heals (can now repair their shields and health) Downside, i still have a habit of hitting F to start medic aoe regen/ha shield in fights. = death now with shield regen device
Don't get attached to one location. If you put your shield regen device down, don't feel obligated to stay in that area just because it's there. Mobility is a large part of survival in this game, and you can usually find plenty of opportune moments to place another device down afterwards. Even a 5m move can suffice, and you can constantly readjust the device if needed. The times I've used the device, I've always used Flak Armor. The bubble is an explosive attractant, so it's a pretty safe choice to go with Flak. I also stick in the Regeneration 3 implant to keep C4, rather than having to use a med kit. Nanoweave/ASC may also work if you choose to be more aggressive. edit: As for getting kills, you have to pick the right gun for the situation and pick good locations. The shield bubble isn't going to impact how well you kill people- your playstyle will. Pick an automatic gun with a fast rate of fire if you're going to get in close combat scenarios a lot, and don't try to fight head on against heavy shields- flank, outmaneuver, don't overcommit, etc. There's a lot to consider, and I don't think it'd be useful to ramble on for too long about it.
I use it only when I need those pesky Certs or when I run with organized platoon (because it's a huge help for teammates, far more usefull than the AOE self-heal). If you plan to use it for Cert farm purpose, than I suggest you: 1)find a dencent 48+vs48+ fight, especially a Biolab. 2)Pop the shield down in a choke point, where you friendlies are taking fire (best to put on a chest, or on an elevated ground when possible, it will be less subjected to enemy nades/rockets splash) 3) Enjoy the certs. In this case you might want to run with: granade bandoleer + revive granades; health regen implant (you wont be able to heal yourself otherwise) C4 or medkit. If you are more of an offensive medic, or you are playing with a platoon thus being on the move more often: you should follow you squadmates and place the shield bubble in strategic places. I've found that if I put a shield bubble down on a place it usually attracts friendlies as a sort of "safe spot". So I try to put it down in order that my teammates can use that spot to crossfire or to suppress a position.
I use it on my primary medic loadout now. Shield regen device, nanoweave, and medkits. Usually battle hardened but sometimes I'll put on regen 3 if I'm sure there won't be vehicle spam to disrupt my aim. The trick is to stay at full health constantly and use some kind of cover to break LOS multiple times during an engagement. The longer you can make a fight last, the better your chances of winning, especially against heavies who pop their shield whenever they take damage.
What everyone else said, endorsed 100%. I went up about 75 ticks on the shielding directive, completing the remaining portion of the directive in fact, in just over 2 hours of on and off shield play simply by doing exactly what the guys before me have suggested. If you get a good spot where there is prolonged fighting then your XP, ribbons and everything else associated just do not stop coming in. Arm yourself with a good weapon to compliment your positioning (I was using the Terminus which I quite rate) and you can grab bunches of kills in the downtime where you don't have your medic tool out reviving / topping people up.
It is at first but you get used to it. I ran Regen implant to speed things along (Regen III actually because I put the wrong one in and didn't notice), but there are plenty of medics healing usually so it isn't essential.
Question: If there are many medics in the Area and all of them place a SRD at the same spot, will the XP will be evenly shared among the medics or does the one with the highest ranks get the XP? I wondered because on Cobalt there are so many guys placing these things in every big fight and I experienced some of them are even destroying the SRDs of other players.
Thought this thread was done already. I would also like to know this, because atm, whenever I see a Medic drop his Shield Regen Device near mines, i always destroy his.
It definitely doesn't reward equally, I think it rewards the first one you enter as long as you're in there.
This topic is a little old so maybe my post is unnecessary, but maybe it'll help a fellow medic lurking the forums. If you're playing with the shield regeneration device because you want to make it work, the guys above offer some great advice. If you're looking more to get shield ribbons to complete your directive, here are some tips that helped me out: To echo what someone said before, I think biolab fights are likely the most efficient way of getting shield ribbons due to the (relatively) small area and large numbers, especially if you're attacking. A max rank shield device can cover nearly the entire teleporter room, if I'm not mistaken. What you'll probably be getting many shield regen ticks from are from people who run outside the shield door and take some damage / die, then run back into the room. Another little tip is that if you remember that people get revived with no shields (sans a MAX as they have no shields) a crafty medic could put down a device first, then revive someone for a little regeneration at the very least. I also believe that regenerating your own shields will give you credit towards your ribbons, as long as the source of the damage was from an enemy!
Does it actually regen shields fast enough at higher ranks to even be worth standing in it? I stood in a few and it moved my shield like 5% every like 4 seconds....I was like...umm, this is lame....ran into the spawn room and let my shield regen....it was safer that way..
The last rank covers a vary large area and restores shields at a fairly quick rate so its worth it. But, as SharkSpider said, the effects do not stack. I have not tested it but I from my observations you are only effected by the device that was placed most recently (but SharkSpider's theory fits what I have seen, so it could be that as well). Bottom line is don't put your device down inside an existing field, some overlap is fine but try to keep it to a minimum.