Playing Planetside 2 the "RIGHT" way.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BOOKEN, Mar 7, 2014.


    Playing Planetside 2 the "RIGHT" Way.

    Before you internet warriors get your pink panties in a wad and start mashing keys without reading, this IS NOT a VS/TR/NC thread. This post is outlining the indifference within each faction of "playing the right way".

    Waterson NC had an interesting round of region chat last night between themselves.
    Here is the region chat that started it off:

    (Just to be clear this was said by an NC member and it started a cascade of region chats between the NC faction.)

    "Why does the NC have to always ruin the farming".

    Basically what he was saying was:

    "Why do some of you actually play the game correctly and go after the enemy sunderer and spawn beacons and stop them from advancing, and how dare you actually defend the base. Let the enemy have point B and C and we will just sit here on point A for 20 minutes and get as many kills as possible before losing the base.

    Then we can respawn at the next base and do it all over again. Yay!!!"

    Judging by the following region chats and yells, I realized most people are OK with this type of gameplay on Planetside 2.

    And the main argument was..." Do you have everything certed to the max yet?"
    So essentially what you farmers are saying is:

    "When I get everything certed to the max and reach BR100 I will start playing the game correctly".

    Where is the problem you ask? Your enemy is farming you harder than you are farming them, especially on defense. While you and your 11 squad mates (or more) sit back behind the spawn room shield, the other members of your faction are actually trying to push the enemy back but dieing excessively thus,


    Have you ever watched the kill board while you are "farming"? Of course not, you are all too busy in your own little cert grinding world.

    I'm curious though, what will you do when you do max out all your certifications? Would you still play the same way?

    Cert farmers please unite. Contact your enemy farmers and go get sunders and pick a part of the map that is isolated. Then you and your pals can have a nice big circle jerk without affecting the TRUE game play.

    Lord knows your sundys will be safe, considering none of you know how to destroy one.


    If you push the enemy back to their warpgate you could farm all day long until you wet your pants with enjoyment! Why farm a bio lab when you could be farming the warpgate of your enemy?

    Now pick your chin up off of the floor from amazement that you couldn't figure this out yourself and please get out there and play the freakin' game correctly, or at least try. I know it can be hard sometimes.

    The largest land vehicle, deployed, sticking out like a sore thumb, on the mini map, and the enemy is spawning from it trying to take your base. Do you think you could mange to destroy it?
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  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    Yeah, but see if we push them back to their warpgate instead of sitting behind a 3x3 meter spawnshield and doing nothing interesting, they get to sit behind a 300m radius dome shield and do nothing interesting.

    For the record, I personally believe there is no "right" or "wrong" way to play. It's a game, it is there for your entertainment, if what you are doing is fun, you are doing it right.
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  3. AFK1

    Farming the warpgate would be hugely inefficient compared to a biolab

    Once you bring air support into the equation, the game becomes about dodging and repairing more than fighting. Biolabs avoid not only this, but also the tanks, making them the best case scenario to farm. Add to that, the most talented players will actively seek infantry combat
  4. Robes

    That whole play to crush attitude just seems silly to me, its a game there is no wrong way to play it.
  5. DQCraze

    I wouldnt know anything about farming, im a Zerg Herder.

    Amp Stations, where Zergs go to DIE.
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  6. Paperlamp

    Can't believe anyone can ask this question seriously. Biolabs are freaking paradise for kill/cert farming. Pure cheese fest if you have a decent MAX loadout.

    Also, often there are sunderers near the launch pads that can be farmed with a lightning if you prefer.

    So one of the best places to spam explosives into soft targets vs. trying to get a few measly esf kills/assists outside a warpgate.

    Think I'll take the biolab.
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  7. Bankrotas

    And that's why there should be limited amount of certs you could have... 100k or so. (Yes I know, that it's nowhere near enough to kit out more than few classes)

    Screw those guys btw.
  8. Flapatax

    I know that I do everything in my power to destroy enemy spawns, lest I have to shoot at things and thus interrupt my "stare at map of zerg fights and contemplate logging" meta-game.
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  9. z1967

    I bust sunderers. That is my light assault usage in a nutshell.
  10. UberBonisseur

    The only reason you ever capture or defend a base in this game is because your allies want more certs than you, and will end up swarming the enemy out of pure greed, acting on their own, selfish interest.

    So, I beg you, for the greater good, do not kill that Sunderer.
  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    I have 125k right now and am at 50% infantry, 50% vehicle, and 100% squad leader completion. Although most of the unlocks that I don't have are 1k cert tiers, so it will take quite a bit more to actually unlock everything. The %unlock amounts don't distinguish between price tiers. I'd estimate at least 500k, possibly more.
  12. Ronin Oni

    Not entirely true.

    Leaving the enemy sunderer, if you're able to hold the enemy off the point, and the enemy is there in greater numbers, you can stall a larger force of enemy, both sides raking in XP and thus they won't look at the map where they maybe should relocate too, while a separate smaller force is able to run down another lane to flank at the facility this larger force would be blocking you from.
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  13. Iksniljiksul

    It's a long standing issue since the game's beta. The real players want xp for death removed, and experience gains exclusively for objective accomplishments. Teamwork, grouped or not, should the whole of the game play.

    The only changes which can be made now, under the kill grind advancement system, is to remove all choke points from the game. No more spawn rooms, no more teleporter rooms, no more jump pads, etc. Just open angles of attack from all sides, and lots of cover.

    We all wish the game would only reward objective game play. The lemmings do not.

    I can not stand this game when is devolves in to a few guys camping out in one room, while fifty guys stand in the way just to get a couple measly kills. This is why I know spawn rooms have to go completely. Walk, drive, fly, or get a sunderer. No more teleportation, no more man-made choke points for re-enforcements. This is why they used to let us blow the tubes to force defenders to find another way to retake the area.
  14. Degenatron

    I agree with BOOKEN. There is a "Right Way" and a "Wrong Way" to play the game. The intention of how the game is meant to be played is pretty clear. However, there is enough freedom in this game for players to play it the "Wrong Way". That's just the nature of the beast. I wouldn't want the game to be so confining as to force "correct" play.

    To answer your question BOOKEN, what these players will do when the get fully certed or reach BR100 is that they will quit. They'll quickly lose interest in the game. But the F2P model is very much like panning for gold. You have to wash out a lot of dirt to be left with the tiny nuggets of gold. Bad players will wash out. Good players will stick around. And the reason is simple: this game is what you make of it. If you just want a Skinner Box that drops loot and praise on you, it will definitely do that for you. If you want coordinated strategic and tactical dominance, it'll do that too.

    Another trick is that the "Right Way" to play can be a grey area sometimes. A perfect example: The VS attacked an Amp Station and set up an AMS in the back of the base between the back wall and a building. I came across this while patrolling in my Lightning. I took some shots at the AMS but it was swarmed with Engineers and I couldn't DPS it down alone. Enemy were pouring out of the thing. What was I to do? I did the only productive thing I could do - I killed as many of the attacker as possible. Now, I kept spotting the AMS and trying to draw attention to it, but the response from the rest of the defenders was very slow. I ended up reloading my Lightning with ammo FIVE TIMES. Every trip back around to the AMS netted tons of enemy kills. I was farming them hard, and I was drawing off attacker to purely focus on me, so I was having an considerable effect on their ability to attack the base. Eventually, I did get back-up and the AMS was destroyed. The question is: was I doing wrong? I was farming it up hard, but I felt I had no other real option besides abandoning my tank and trying a C4 run. A tactic I wasn't sure I could pull off because of the large crowd around the AMS. So, my choice was to simply disrupt their attack as much as possible. This in itself is one of the reasons I love this game - that tactical ambiguity that exists. Not all farmers are doing it for the wrong reasons.

    But I do feel your pain BOOKEN. As one of the few who get out there and try to win the battle, it is frustrating to have to leave my team behind and wade into the enemy alone. A good solution to that is to find a good outfit that shares your goals. Also, I have written a post that details how the devs could change the rules to make these farming scenarios less likely:

    The Neutral Zone System (The updated and polished version)

    [Suggestion] How to End Spawn Camping, Spawn Heroes, and Alamo Stand-Offs (the original version with the most discussion)
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  15. UberBonisseur

    Pfffft !

    Your puny conquest means nothing.
    When I log in tomorrow (which I won't, cause forumside is the real deal), on the little corner my Cert counter will remind me of my heroic deeds. Meanwhile, the map will be entirely reset and your efforts washed away.

    Victory is fleeting, Certs are eternal.
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  16. smokemaker

    No. Until the ground game makes sense and actually has meaning, i will continue to play my solo game inside of PS2. Heck who am i lying too... I will ALWAYS play a solo game in a multiplayer world. I specialize in killing around objectives IE the objective based player. I appreciate your logging in so i can shoot at you.

    My responses are in yellow, messed up.
  17. Bankrotas

    Except, weapons are not counted in :)
  18. BOOKEN

    I apologize for the long post originally, but you clearly didn't read it all.

    I don't prefer farming at all. And my entire post was about why people are not destroying the enemy sunderer. Instead most people are ok with farming this way. And the result is giving your enemy more certs than you, as a faction, not individually.

    If you are farming a biolab or anywhere for that matter and losing hexes otherwise, IMO you are doing it wrong.

    You might be cozy in your max suit in a biolab, but what if everyone did that? Then it couldn't be a farm fest. So what you have is most people farming and waiting for easy kills and the rest are actually trying to push back the defenders. Thus giving your enemy more certs than your faction as a whole. mainly because they are for real getting the easy kills. The cert balance can go either way, but what I see mostly during these farm fests is the enemy on the killboard a lot more than friendly faction kills.

    And that guy in the engi suit repairing you helping continue YOUR farm fest? Take him out the equation and it is no longer a farm fest is it?

    Farming the warpgate has been a lot more fun, (for me anyways) than a bio lab. But again, I don't prefer any type of farming.

    Continent locking should fix the farming. I hope. You might not.
  19. BOOKEN

    Been there so many times and 2 c-4 just doesn't cut it sometimes does it?. I can't tell you how many times I put 2 bricks on it, detonate, shoot as many as I can, die, respawn, work my way back there and it's fully repaired!!!

    So, I have been getting good at placing 2 c-4 then making my way to the spawn and resupplying. Even taking 100 meter or more detours! And making my way back to the sundy, detonate, place one 1, detonate. BOOM objective COMPLETE!!

    I don't suggest everyone should play like this. I certainly die A LOT, but when I drop into a battle you best bet I AM GETTING THAT SUNDY!
  20. Monkeydmomo

    The issue isn't farming certs it's racking up kills, I don't understand where you got the idea of people sitting in spawn room and killing people outside at all times because we sure don't. What my outfit enjoys is a good firefight, even if it's two to one. The only reason we'd go ahead and destroy a sunderer is if they've pulled a third squad in which can be a bit tedious for 6 people. I'd like to also point out, what is the fun of destroying the enemy sundie and pressing forward? You ended the battle. Last time I checked, I don't get rewarded with accessories for capturing a base or warpgating anybody. Get your head out of your ***, you speak like if you literally bleed blue and yellow remember it's a game not a second job.
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