Players not rendering, I thought this was fixed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pingonaut, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Pingonaut

    Just ran into this problem again today at a tech plant. Players about 100 to 200 meters away, not rendering. What's up with this, did they say they fixed it?

    Also, the tech plant battle was a pretty large battle, but I've been having extreme fps loss when going down to or looking at the bottom area of the tech plant. Even before the large amount of people got there I was having this problem. I used to have it with amp stations but it seemed to go away. Any ideas? Mostly this rendering thing is bothering me, though.
  2. Elrobochanco

    Basically culling is dynamic based on range and where you are looking. If a biolab is 48+ on both sides you will notice nobody around in close sometimes then run to a doorway and have a whole squad pop in. If you ADS typically where you are looking is given priority, or at least it feels like that.

    It's annoying sometimes, but if the tradeoff is the old performance I can live. And before someone mentions that it should be a user setting for how far they see, I'm pretty sure it's handled server side to cut down the amount of info needed to be passed along, as previously framerates would take a huge hit just by being in a well populated hex. Now the server guesses what you need to know and sends you that.
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  3. Lugia3

    Don't you remember? It's only fair that everyone has to pretend they are on a Playschool Computer!
  4. WyrdHarper

    Welcome to double xp weekends! As Chance said, it's dynamic culling so your computer doesn't start crying/exploding, and the servers don't melt. 99% sure the reason they removed 100% cont captures is because we kept crashing Mattherson by forcing the servers to try to render 1800 people in one hex to break the VS locks. Good, laggy times.
  5. Pingonaut

    Ah, well it's really frustrating when you're being counter-sniped by someone who is invisible/without a head.
  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    the worst one is when you're running around in 48+ bases and friendlies (as well as enemies?) pop up like 3 meters in front of you. before, they failed to render and were completely invisible
  7. Kunavi

    Not even tracers render correctly now, don't know why. Ruined my play on Saturday.
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