Players don't want meta game, they want a session based game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deladin, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Emotitron

    There is pretty much no metagame when anything that happens can be undone in about 30 minutes. And I don't see certs, my Reaver is maxed out... I really have little use for certs any more. I want a game that requires some thought beyond looking for the next easy kill. There is a tiny amount of metagame, but nothing in this game has any longevity other than continent caps. You can push all the way to an enemies warpgate, and 60 minutes later they can be right back up against yours. Makes it hard to really care that much.
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  2. cfnz

    Please elaborate. How exactly do you incentivise the metagame? Can you do anything beyond giving out more certs or similar?

    Is the average player going to be able to have any meaningful impact on this metagame or is it going to be happening at a level above them so to speak?

    Since I never played PS1 how did it reward people in relation to it's metagame? Did it have an equivalent cert farming option?

    I stopped reading after you said most players treat bases as different 'servers'. And no, I won't be reading the rest.
  4. Cyanide

    Many players do want a metagame. You can see this simply by looking around these very forums. It's what many of us have craved since tech test. A real flow to the battle. A real goal, and reason to fight. The continental conquest metagame would obviously reward players with certs because you've literally got to capture every last base, and force your enemies off the continent. I think you might be a little bit misinformed as to what players actually want here. If they wanted BF3, they wouldn't be playing PlanetSide.
  5. Kon

    metagame wont change anything, people beleive it will magically change the game it wont, people will still FARM and that wont change until you change the perception of people in the game, also you cant punish people for not playing objectives or metagame etc as they will just quit you just need to make it very inefficient to farm and make it very lucrative to play objectives thus changing the mindset of the player
  6. Vashyo


    Whole game is just boring/repetitive capping the same bases over and over quickly just to lose them over and over quickly sucks, might as well collect certs until the game becomes less boring/repetitive.

    If this was the end product of PS2, I would not have played even a month. I want it to have PS1 level metagame and surpass it. But we have so little right now in comparison.
  7. Zenith

    I want a meta-game, badly. There's just no purpose to the base caps, or even the cont locks, which aren't even a real lock per se.
  8. Yago

    Where do you get your data ?
    Have you held or know of some game wide poll ?

    Thought not .
    Everyone in my outfit wants a meta game .

    Can I try your game ?
    Here we go :

    Deladin wants all his chara wiping and his account deleting !
    TRUTH (there I even used caps too) .
  9. HadesR

    Ever thought OP that people play the game that way because that is what the game is atm ?

    All because you add value to certain objectives in your head doesn't make them true.
    All because you think Base A is more important than base B doesn't make it so.

    The game is shallow without depth or any deep strategic play .. So atm the vast majority of player's are playing the game laid in front of them.
    And until SOE add real meaning to objectives ( Ie: Defense / base bonuses ) and add real strategic play ( supply lines etc ) only then will peoples play styles differ and a metagame emerge .
    And I'm not talking some pseudo metagame like cont locks
  10. Puppy

    They want the best way to get xp to be playing the game the way it's intended instead of running around to bases before they cap or purposely doing things they wouldn't have otherwise to farm xp. They son't like doing it but they nwed the xp to get better items.
  11. DJStacy

    Think you will find the only players farming and who dont care about meta game are those that dont know how to play. And to be honest it is ok for them to run around in the hex they are in getting there smiles out of the game.

    And then there are those that do care about Meta Game, such as myself and probably 95% of those in good outfits. We need the Meta Game to pit ourselves against good oposition to provide instances where smaller forces can overcome massive odds, using Meta Game and tactics to weaken opposition before a shot is fired.

    The only reason those that want to just run around at random in their hexs can, is because the outfits are maintaining the territory for the represented faction.

    Session based games suck........and should remain for the youngling gamers that just want to point and shoot running around a small sand box.

    Planetside 2 is for those that want to be part of great outfits who pit themselves daily against those bright minds leading the opposition. If I only had random run arounds to play against there would be no reason for me to play.

    We had a massive fight at Regent Rock two days ago, it started with just us against the NC [POL] outfit. But as it went back and forth we started to call in our other outfits, word spreads and more join the fray.

    At one point NC hold all the points so we muster our outfit in the tower and prepare to rush A. We take the point back and eventually hold of the assault and defend the facility with the help of other TR outfits.

    The multi platoon battle went back and forth the frontline changing for nearly 3Hrs, both factions trying all sorts of sneaky tactics to get the upper hand and take the advantage.

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  12. DramaticExit

    No... Opinion.

    Your word is not the truth. Your word is an opinion. One of many opinions.

    My opinion isn't actually that far removed from yours, but I wouldn't run in here and say "TRUTH" and then proceed to spout a wall of subjectivity.

    I'm not adverse to walls of subjective opinion... Hell, I rather enjoy typing them myself. But it bugs me when people try to proclaim it is the truth.
  13. TeknoBug

    Really guys? Complaining about players wanting to farm certs? On a DOUBLE XP WEEKEND?

    PS- I WANT a metagame, your assumption is false.
  14. SgtBreastroker

    Sadly, I agree with you. I defended Allatum Biolab for a good two hours from zerg rushes racking up the certs not really wanting to go cap bases.
  15. SirIsaacNeutron

    I think that first step would be incentivising territorial conquest by making resources more valuable. If people insist on playing as infantry then so be it, but at least introduce infantry equipment which costs resources and gives tangible advantage on the battlefield. Something like kevlar vest for example. It would add extra health and would cost infantry resources but when you die you would need to buy a new one.
    This opens potential issue that when one faction controls most of territory ( and therefore resources ) it will steamroll other two factions. I think this can be balanced by the fact this game is a 3-way and one dominant faction will find itself facing against two smaller ones and hence be outnumbered 2:1.

    Also holding most of territory and having high resource income could help maintaining the continent lock.

    Those who refuse to play territorial conquest game would find themselves facing better equipped opponent and would be punished by uneven odds and bad KDR.

    PS: Next step would probably be adding some sort of resource pipelines and ability to surround enemy force and cut out their resource supply. In essence the game should be about numbers, proper manpower distribution and efficient resource utilization ( war economy ).
  16. DJStacy

    Its ok Let the Farmers do the Farming and the Players do the Playing, even with good meta game [ one day we hope :) ] you will always have players from both sides.

    As long as there are Outfits with Players who Play, there will be hexes for the Farmers to Farm in.

    Just let people take what they want out of the game its not a big deal really.......................
  17. BlueSkies


    [Grunt]: Meh... [FILL IN NAME] isn't worth anything, and if we get warpgated we just get all that capture XP while fighting to retake our territory. (continues to farm Biolab).

    PS2 isn't just missing the lattice system, its also missing meaningful facility benefits (vehicle shields, interlink radar, etc), and resecure XP.

    Why abandon what you're doing (and presumably having a good time at) to defend or attack something that has no value.

    I know that Higby doesn't like the idea of game mechanics dictating play, but thing of it this way...

    Right now we have a game of checkers. All the bases (with the exception of Tech Plant) are all equally worthless. There really isn't any reason to value one over another.

    What we could have is Chess, a game where all the pieces having varying degrees of value because of their unique benefits (in the case of chess, movement abilities), and consequently you end up with a game where because of game mechanics, player choice and strategy is greatly expanded.
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  18. metrotw

    this game is too grindy for its own encourages both "cert farming" and in the same breath it also alienates many MANY new players who see how long it takes to get certs to make their character competitive.

    here is the fix:

    1. "double xp" should be the norm.
    2. get rid of this lousy f2p model and go sub based...something on the order of 9.99 a month with no bonus SC...charge money for all cosmetics and such.
    3. eliminate k\d to encourage more aggressive gameplay and give more xp for taking objectives, staying on point etc etc. first to the fight should be richly rewarded.

    implement those three things and i guarantee this game will improve overnight. the bug fixes, lattice, fps improvements will just be the icing on the cake.
  19. Crashsplash

    Well .........

    in PS1 the two core gameplay elements were the fps and what we call 'the metagame'. But I'd be lying if I said that at time people would ignore the demands of the metagame simply to farm at a good fight.

    But, so what. The options were there and PS1 could be played in several ways.

    NB we need the metagame for longevity.
  20. Tobax

    I want Meta game.