Players don't care about the game, they care about certs.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LegioX, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. LegioX

    I beginning to see what everyone is saying regarding "this is not an overpop issue, but a player issue." Countless times I have seen players on a certain faction care more about cert farming at X base (cut off behind enemy lines), while the rest of the map is being captured by the other 2 factions.
    There really needs to be something done about cut off bases. For example: Couple of days ago, VS was holding Indar Ex, however the next closest base was south of Hvar Tech plant (NC zerg rolled through it). So like always, about 90% of the VS playerbase stayed at Indar Ex, while we lost the AMP station, and about 10+ other bases. No amount of b*tching and yelling in chat to get them to redeploy mattered. All they cared about was certs.
    So....Cut off bases need to have no resources period. You spawn in there and die, your done at that base, since its way behind enemy lines.

    There has got to be a way to funnel these players into "playing the game" or atleast helping other areas with an incentive, b/c it seems most people who play this game are to stupid to do anything but cert farm.
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  2. VogonPoetMaster

    It's true. This game is a massive, virtual skinner box. Most online games are, and F2P games absolutely have to be. I don't think most players even realize it.
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  3. DrPapaPenguin

    There needs to be a better incentive to leave a warm farmhouse. Currently those 10+ territories are pretty much a statistical loss, they don't have any major impact to the people in the farm. And I can understand them, why leave for a fight, when you're already having fun here?
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  4. DevDevBooday

    I want to be the very best,
    Like no one ever was.
    To farm them is my real test,
    To spawn camp is my cause.

    I will travel across Auraxis,
    Farming far and wide.
    These bases to earn all
    The certs that are inside

    its you and me
    I know its my destiny
    Farming, oh, you're what I choose
    In a world we must abuse

    a game so true
    Our K/D will pull us through
    You rez me and I'll rez you
    gotta farm 'em all
    gotta farm 'em all
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  5. Thagyr

    The game has always been a cert farm. There is no 'winning' the game, unless its an alert in which case players have a set objective. Otherwise why not sit in a well defensible location with plenty of fighting since that is all there is to the game. Lost territory can be retaken once it is deemed fun to do so.

    Point is people play games to have fun, and if there is fun to be had at one base then why leave it? I'm guilty of purposefully going to a 48vs48 battle just for the sake of diving into some heavy combat when I could have been supporting other pushes that met far less resistance. I get more of a kick shooting stuff then steamrolling over next to nothing.

    Continent locking may add some change to this mentality, but not beforehand.
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  6. Roll Fizzlebeef

    What if SOE made it so that you can not flip a point back if a base is completely isolated?

    This seems like the OBVIOUS thing to do, but can anyone think of any ways this could negatively impact the game?
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  7. TheFamilyGhost

    Its stuff like this that has led the game to what it is. Someone has a vision that in reality only suits them, and they'll attempt to popularize it until it becomes "true for all".

    "Too stupid to do anything but cert farm"

    Yep, this person thinks highly of others, and has our best interest in mind.

    Play your own game. Have fun.
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  8. GunsmithJoe

    If the game actually stuck to it's ideas of asymmetrical balance this wouldn't be as much of an issue. The problem we have at the moment is all combat is homogeneous. Fighting for any one particular faction has almost the same feel as fighting for any other faction, except for the numbers fighting against you. At least if there were some form of asymmetry between them then more players would naturally gravitate toward the play style they preferred.
  9. Crator

    And people wonder why the DEVS made the bases like Swiss cheese and the spawn room exposed to vehicles.
  10. TheFamilyGhost

    It is their fault that you don't take the time to engage the enemy somewhere other than the enemy's objective?
  11. Dalek


    Logged in to laugh at this comment. xD
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  12. Crator

    What? I engage enemy in the field quite often. I don't understand what you statement has to do with mine actually.

    The reason the devs made bases less defensible is to allow fights to happen in-between capture point locations more often. They didn't want long stalemates at one location. Why do you think they changed The Crown? There's also a few locations on the new Amerish that are highly defensible and can sustain battles for long amounts of time.
  13. iMartyr

    I don't care about certs i care about K/D
  14. TheFamilyGhost

    The changed the Crown because of the populist campaign that was waged against it.

    You said that bases are "indefensible". It has been known since ancient times that hunkering down in a bases is a horrible idea, and the last desperate gasp of a losing side.

    I believe that "highly defensible" as defined by you will be infantry-[only arenas punctuated by corner spamming.
  15. Dill Bagner

    Currently, there's almost no incentive for controlling territory. -10% on resource cost doesn't mean anything.

    If they want people to play differently, they'd have to find a system to reward people for playing that way.
  16. Crator

    You haven't seen the new Subterranean Nanite Analysis base on Amerish yet have you? If you ask me, that's too defensible.

    Are the personal jabs necessary? We are just talking about the topic...
  17. Kaktwox

    You know what the number one cause of MMO's generally failing is?

    Lack of end game content.

    Farming certs is the only thing that matters in Planetside with holding and capturing territory meaning absolutely nothing.
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  18. NoctD

    Leave a real fight, so we can go ghost cap elsewhere?

    What's wrong with you, OP? o_O
  19. Codex561

    There used to be some 'Proximity influence' or something. The more hexes are adjacent to the facility the faster the cap/defense. So if TR surrounds a VS facility, it will take VS more time to restore the facility then TR have spent claiming it.
  20. uhlan

    After being a loyal customer for over a year, there is very little to do BUT cert farm.

    Because there aren't any real faction dynamics or "Meta game" as some folks call it, there isn't any real immersion, all you're left with is the cosmetics.

    How do you get cosmetics?

    You spend SC or you grind certs.

    It is always the contention of players that haven't played very long (less than six months) that think there is a point to the game when there isn't and see the game as a faction "war" with purpose.

    The game is all about the cert grind and stats.

    This is why everything in the game focuses on these things much to the chagrin of many players past and present.

    F2P games across the board rely heavily on incomes generated from cosmetic content and perceived notions (real or otherwise) about necessary purchasable upgrades in order to "compete" effectively.

    You don't need these things in PS2, but people think they do and so spend money.

    Because of this, no effort (or very little anyway) is put forth for more important aspects of game-play. This requires resources and it is my personal opinion that there simply isn't much going on as the focus is most decidedly "elsewhere".

    This is not to say that the future is bleak, but unless there is some definitive action contrary to what's been done thus far...well...

    A new continent that's been in developement for almost as long as the game has been out or "optimizations" to the game mechanics more than a year out are not signs that give me much hope.

    Hossin, like much of the content was developed a while back and is part of the slow trickle of releases to placate the player base and to give the perception that things are "moving along".

    I sincerely hope, I desperately hope (I've spent SC) that I am completely wrong, but sadly, I don't think I am.
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