Player Created Lore

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFamilyGhost, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. TheFamilyGhost

    If we're going to copy things that other games do, let's copy a good one.

    WW2OL let people see who placed the AMS.

    We should be able to see player's name on an AMS they placed. This will help us understand who the selfless sundy drivers are...the guys who create the battles we all enjoy.
  2. KnightCole

    PLayer created lore? is this like a short story segment for PS2 players? lol
  3. EmmettLBrown

    How is this creating lore?
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  4. TheFamilyGhost

    Lore: a particular body of knowledge or tradition.

    When the same guys place sundies over and over, they should become known as people that contribute to the battles we fight. Stories should appear describing the good ones, the bad ones, the funny ones, and the tragic ones.

    As it stands now, all we know is that a sundy has been placed, No-one (outside of platoons & squads) knows who put it there, or why. It seems we're missing a good chance to create personalities that could create some fun stories.
  5. Gustavo M

    Do you mean, something that says "Player (name) has saved (location name) from (enemy empire name here)!" and keeps it recorded somewhere else, like a billboard or something.
    That's not "lore addition". More like, a way to motivate bragging rights and/or special snowflakes to "shine" while playing this game. And since this is a team-focused game, not a single-player one... I wouldn't like to see this implemented.
  6. Navus

    IF we delve into the type of player that is a dedicated AMS driver, one would think that they are very selfless individuals who put others needs before their own. Thus why they drove an AMD instead of something easy like being a VS heavy with .75 ADS or being in a dalton sniping libs. THESE AMS drivers would most likely be against the publicizing of their accomplishments as they simple dont want to be put in the spotlight.
  7. Goretzu

    Are you sure you're not just trying to find out whose Sundy to TK? :D
  8. NinjaTurtle

    Unofficial timeline. I fully recommend you watch, very well done

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  9. Strottinglemon

    The thread isn't about backstory, it's about showing whose sundy is deployed on the deploy screen.

    Though well done, I prefer to imagine the lore in a different way. The idea that we're all just brainlessly attacking each other for no reason doesn't really appeal to me. I like to fight for a cause.