[Suggestion] Player-Controlled Griefing Solution

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KoSGunny, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. KoSGunny

    This is a simple tip for players who are tired of griefers or being teamkilled. It's what I do:

    1- I get TKd, or spawn into WG and see someone doorway blocking/flipping, etc..

    2- I press my windows key to bring up my start menu, type 'note' and click on the notepad++ application on my second monitor, leaving it open as I continue to play.

    3- I type in said player's name.

    4- Next time I see said player: I kill said player.

    5- I delete player's name from notepad document.

    6- I sigh a breath of delight, and reward myself a cookie (not really lol.)

    Teamkillers and griefers used to make me want to pull them through the monitor, but now I don't mind them at all. Because I know even if it's a week later: Justice will one day be served.

    I suggest others start using this list based justice system. It'll help.
  2. Slaint

    We need a flagging system. Team killers who've killed or dealt a certain amount of damage to other players in a certain timeframe should simply be flagged for 30 minutes to be killed by their own faction without repercussion.
    • Up x 1
  3. KoSGunny

    I've suggested something of this sort, a traitor's mark. But until SOE does something, this is something the users can do without needing them to lift a finger.
  4. 13lackCats

    The Black Badge of Shameil, and The Pink Badge of Shamazal.

    I am all for it. FF is great, but people must be flagged until they get better.

    I even suggested penal battalions, where they have to spawn together.