Player Collision?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Halon, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Halon

    Where did it go and when is it coming back?

    Really silly when enemies run through you.
  2. Halon

    Can a dev toggle this back on?
  3. Halon

  4. Sento

    There were many threads on this back in the day but nothing has changed. I recommended coming up with a TF2 like collision system where you could walk through allies but not enemies. It would prevent griefing and make the close quarters combat not as wonkey.
  5. TheBloodEagle

    Agreed, enemies shouldn't be able to walk/run through each other.
  6. Nocturnal7x

    It is wierd, like there should be no colission in the warpgate but everywhere? Maybe they did this to prevent greif.
  7. Meurtos

    Awww, I fool HAs as a LA everytime using this...
  8. GTGD

    What is scary is that I don't know what is worse:

    A) No collision detection, enemies running through you and teammates clipping through you causing a huge grief-fest (especially behind shields)

    B) Collision detection, tons of people blocking each other so you're trapped
  9. TheBloodEagle

    B is definitely scary as TR Zergs would be a mess.

    Like I said, they should just add collision for enemies.,
  10. Con411

    They should add full collisions detection for both enemies and friendlies, they had it on in tech test but people kept dying in the spawntubes because the game killed you if you spawned in a tube with someone in it. It felt like they never really managed to fix it and therefore just turned it off.
  11. Cross

    Here's the thing. Collision actually is currently on with enemies. It is just really buggy. Run up to a stationary enemy from behind and you'll stop. If you're both moving, then you usually clip through each other.

    Collision is off with friendlies, but this REALLY needs to be back on. As much as everyone is scared of being blocked, that is much less harmful in the long run. If someone's blocking a door and they do not move, then when you team kill them you know where your grief is going.

    With collision off and friendly fire on, the amount of times someone runs through me and I shoot him or he shoots me is much more frequent and is a major reason I stay away from large battles and other team mates. Watch friendlies guarding a ledge and how they strafe into one another. This really cheapens the game.
  12. Halon

    Player collision eventually made it into the beta. If i remember correctly, collision did have some spawn issues early on, but they eventually got it working.

    Friendly fire should in theory deter call of duty style corner traps.

    The only thing I seem to collide with at the moment are dead enemies (extra annoying since other collisions are disabled and since these are things you shouldn't collide with) and turrets of any faction.

    We need collision for friendlies and enemies, I don't like trying to push forward while the person in front of me walks back while firing, clips through me, and kills me. Enemy collision should be a no-brainer.

    Please keep this thread alive, I would love to see a response from a dev. something like:

    "This is a known issue and player collision is forthcoming."

    See devs I made it easy for you to respond, just copy and paste the above for a response and we can all move on.
    • Up x 1
  13. Tamas

    I love this scenario - I'm firing on full auto and standing still - some random guy walks through me and gets killed by me. Happens way too often...
    • Up x 1
  14. Halon

  15. Halon

    Dev response?
  16. Ex0dUs

    This really needs to come back in some form. Clipping through an enemy while fighting them in CQC is idiotic.
  17. Halon

    Waiting on a dev to truthfully copy and paste:

    This is a known issue and player collision is forthcoming.

  18. Halon

    NyaR found a nice video:

  19. MistaN

    Devs have already commented on this. Player collision causes too much lag atm. It causes the server to bog down because it's trying to calculate too many physics calculations at once. They said it'll be back once they figure out how to put it back in without stressing the server too much.

    In other words, wait for them to optimize it.