Played for 45 mins during prime time today.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gearlock, May 8, 2015.

  1. Gearlock

    And I just wanted to say the overall game play was boring, unbalanced, lackluster, and wholly unsatisfying as it has been for a long time.

    The entire time was spent finding fights already over, since the objective is simply to overwhelm the opposition in sheer numbers. Even if you're on the winning side it's a battle to get any kind of kill or contribution before someone else does.

    The meta game never grew up.

    The continents never expanded. You could argue hossin against this one. You could also argue that giving a quadraplegic use of 3 toes is also an advancement compared to their previous state.

    The content never gave way to alternate game play choices like ANT runs of generator runs.

    Sad. Watching the most unique shooter from my young adult years be resurrected as a hollow shell of it's former self, dying before my eyes and then turned into a sad sad money grab. No, sorry, I'm long past buying things like horns and trim for vehicles Sony. Please try to sell me something that isn't an obvious "resources versus profit' decision.

    Sadder, that I sank so much cash into it early on buying into promises of new continents and fleet carriers and a meta game, etc that never came to fruition.

    Just a sad farewell from a long time registree who re-spawns in from time to time to see just how bad it is.

    Argue against it all you want, this is the perception of someone who has had nothing but hope for the game for so long, only to be continuously let down by how slow the game was to mature (it never did) and how terribly it was managed.

    Please, do go on about how the valkyrie is a game changer, or how the harasser opened up a whole new world of options.

    Meanwhile I'll be respawning on indar chasing the same stupid zerg fight that has been going on for years now.

    A coffin. Buy one. Put it in it. Let it go.

    And PS4 OPEN Beta?

    Was there a meeting about how to find as many faces as possible to spit in, or did beancounters figure it was worth a few hundred K before folding the game up and calling it quits?

    I'm sure it was the latter.

    Go team business. /wallet salute
  2. 00000000000000000000

  3. TheDarSin

    You're entitled to your opinions and I disagree with your opinions. I'd go into more details but how am I to argue with someone that believes this game is all negative.

    Instead, I'm gonna leave you this video and let it convey my feelings towards your post.
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  4. Liberty

    Spent about an hour and a half playing yesterday and today.

    Hit detection was crisp and gunplay was on point.

    Community is still the number 1 issue in game (out popping bases 2 to 1 in large fights, dumping entire platoons on 12-24 fights, bringing half a dozen MAXes to cap a 1-12 base) but there were some fun fights despite it being off peak hours.

    The average player has gotten much worse on Emerald across all factions. I found running around as a TR Medic I was still hitting 7+ K/D at 70+ KPH which is something I would have struggled with when I played the game on a very regular basis).

    Like you said still no real meta but the combat is fun enough, but with the recent reddit post by Smed seems like that will be at the forefront of development for a bit.
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  5. Stargazer86

    Eh. It has it's problems, sure, but it's not horrible. I don't personally think it lives up to Planetside 1 on certain levels, but it does improve things in a number of ways as well. Not the best, not the worst, perfectly serviceable and fun with a host of issues that could be solved with enough time and effort.