Planetside needs more realistic nights,NV,Heat sniper scopes x12

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Devilllike, May 26, 2015.

  1. Devilllike

    Because its for some it doesnt mean it should be a no night for all...
  2. Devilllike

    I do not agree because it would simply change planetsides way of thinking and sure they can use flash lights they can use their vehicles they can actually change the way they play it would be much more realistic,

    The lights from the bases would actually make some sense the lights from the guns from everything and infiltratorship not just for the class but for every kind of player would get some meaning
  3. Devilllike

    And that is where infiltratorship comes in you also got the choice to hide an sneak up on them
  4. Pelojian

    is it fair for TR and NC to get darker nights that gives vanu an immediate advantage? hmm?

    Nights need tweaking but they don't need to get darker, things like others have said effects like bloom causing issues.

    If someone truely wants a darker night they can adjust their monitor, but if it's just about making themselves harder to see they have to try and get the devs to change it so everyone is forced into darker nights.
  5. JohnGalt36

    I personally like the idea of having more realistic nights, as long as it is actually dark to everyone regardless of graphics settings, and everyone having darker camo available to them.

    I think it would add a lot of depth. Night should belong to the snipers, the small squads attacking where they are not expected under the cover of night, and surprise attacks. It would make you think about when to attack a base, what to pull depending on the time of day.

    Although, I already run into so many tank mines. Boo to night driving! I guess I do have headlights...
  6. Devilllike

    There is black camo you know and i think its only fair to bring something more realistic or just remove it entirely there is no point of its existance if it just as bright as day but nvm lets leave it for effect i guess because many people dont like a more realistic gameplay lol gets too hard for them
  7. Pelojian

    The only way to get black camo is ether the grindy exceptional directive or buying camo with darker nights that's blatent P2W on TR and NC so VS gets a camo advantage.

    nights are not as bright as day where did you come up with that?, if your screen is too bright at night it's your local configuration issue.

    this is a game, a game does not have to mimic reality completely and handicap players because a small minority want darker nights for all so they can locally turn up their brightness if the darkness is not done with shaders.

    lets not forget that darker nights would make cheaters much more effective with hacks that let them see other people's positions while everyone else is ether a beacon of "shoot me i'm here" because they are using a flashlight or they are completely running silent hoping the lighting is just right so they can see enemies and not be seen themselves.

    If you want to be completely blind at night you can do that in real life, we do not need another crutch mechanic for people to abuse with tweaks or hacks.
  8. Devilllike

    For the hackers part i cant say you are wrong but to be the nghts so seems to be an issue to see from but i guess you guys just cant adjust them selves but i do think planetside 2 needs better nights and i will insist because i think it would be very beautifull for the game but nvm its not like they will listen to one post