[Suggestion] Planetside: King of the Kill

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zaspacer, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. zaspacer

    Given the impressive popularity of "H1Z1: King of the Kil", and that both games are DBG, it's surprising we have not seen a "H1Z1: King of the Kill" spinoff/mod from Planetside 2/DBG.

    PS2 has most the art/code assets they'd need. And they could probably pull code assets from H1Z1 itself. They'd probably want to boost the lethality and availability of Inafntry AV/AA. They'd probably either just remove terminals or make them infrquent or very limited. They could want to build custom maps for it. They'd probably make the game uniclass with players able to mix-match resources from Classes. Also, not sure if they'd want to tune all Vehicles to be soloable. And they'd probably want to change the "teleport into vehicle" to "get in and out of vehicle".

    Just to cover the popularity of "H1Z1: King of the Kill" for people:

    Most Watched Games on Twitch (at #6 as of this post)
    (NOTE: access the drop down menu change it to "Total Hours on Twitch", cause it shows eSports by default and H1Z1 is not on that list)

    Steam: Top games by current player count (7th highest players currently online as of this post, 3rd highest peak number of players for the day)

    SteamCharts: H1Z1: King of the Kill (+40% gain in each of the last 3 months)

    For comparison, here is the PS2 SteamChart:

    SteamCharts: PlanetSide 2
  2. ExarRazor

    we used to have king of the hill

    it was the original crown.

    it was nerfed
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  3. zaspacer

    I loved the Old Crown and regret it was removed. And it was its own great grinder mini-game within the greater game. And I would love to see them make either bring it back or make a spin-off game/Battle-Island of Old Crown. But Old Crown is notably different from the H1Z1: King of the Kill experience.

    H1Z1: King of the Kill is more giant "Battle Royale" death match, where everyone gets dropped solo into a shared area, and then has to gear up by foraging and then hunt/kill each other until there is only 1 left. There is also a "green fog" which slowly shrinks the map, so that all the players are gradually forced into each other.

    King of the Kill is also 3rdPS, so they might have to change that to capture the same feel/fun.


    I'm not saying kill PS2. I don't even play King of the Kill. But this King of the Kill seems very popular, it's a DBG developed thing, and DBG has these PS2 assets with which to make a scifi version of King of the Kill.
  4. Demigan

    The entire game is one big match of king-of-the-hill. If anything we need other types of capture mechanics into the regular game. And we definitely don't need separate servers for matchmaking gameplay to get players even more divided on the servers and even less population to compete on the regular game.
  5. zaspacer

    King of the Kill is NOT "king of the hill". King of the Kill is a system where once you die, you are kicked from the match.

    The only time in PS2 that approximates this is after a Continent locks after an Alert. However, when this happens in PS2, there is a giant banner obstructing players screen, there is no reward and a thematic/instruction push to re-deploy, and the access to weapons is locked out.

    Exploring things like "other types of capture mechanics" would fall easily within optional design gameplay that is inline with the current PS2 game.

    H1Z1 split into 2 different games. With the King of the Kill being a pocket game of reduced sandbox and boosted intensity. It's a mod mini-game of H1Z1. Much as Dota/MOBA was a mod mini-game of Warcraft 3.

    H1Z1 split and it's got a hit. Making DBG money and fueling the H1Z1 license. PS2 is sitting on a boatload of assets that could be re-purposed to a parallel game on DBG assets for low $$, and not affect PS2 itself. Which could then make DBG money and fuel the PS2 license.
    • Up x 1
  6. Demigan

    Ah, I read it wrong, my apologies. I'll look into what King of the Kill means later, but it sounds a lot like a variation of the attrition modes that I and others have proposed from time to time.

    I understand what you mean, and it might actually work. I just think that the playerbase has become too small to try this, and that segregating players from each other this way would hurt the standard game and cause players to leave in an accelerated rate.
    Better try to find solutions to add King of the Kill into the regular game. I don't doubt it would be possible, I'll try to mock up an idea later when I've looked into what it actually is later.
  7. TR5L4Y3R

    if this is a seperate server i wouldn´t mind/care ..
    but for the main game ... HELL NO !!
  8. DeadlyOmen

    There are plenty of shoebox shooters.

    Let PS2 be PS2.
  9. adamts01

    You missed talking **** about my idea on this thread. I agree completely with not segregating players. Something similar to what I proposed but less invasive on the main game could be something cool, there's obviously an audience for it.
