Planetside Graphics Settings, which uses more CPU or GPU?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Benton582, May 4, 2016.

  1. Benton582

    I need a basic guide on which options in the graphics menu require alot of CPU or GPU, as I have laptop CPU with a desktop GPU, so can someone give me how much each setting in the graphics menu cost in more CPU or GPU? And thanks for reading, that's step one :3
  2. Roxputin

    This guide is still relevant. The biggest improvement i have see is setting the rendering quality down as far as possible and tweaking the other values for best performance. Do not skim through the guide. Read each section and tweak each setting until you get GPU limited (alt f for statistics). Medium to large battles ( 24+) will almost always be CPU limited no matter what.
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  3. Iridar51

    From my performance guide:

    That's the short of it. In general, PS2 is a lot more CPU-intensive than other modern games. Your setup is kinda the opposite of what PS2 needs to run somewhat smoothly.

    It couldn't possibly be relevant. Since that guide was released 4 years ago, PS2 underwent massive changes, aimed at improving performance, was changed from 32 bit to 64 bit, added dynamic render distance, blurred out all textures to fit the technologically inferior PS4...

    That's just the game engine, the gameplay also has changed quite a bit: number of players reduced massively, but now we have constructed bases that add to the number of objects on the screen.

    Technical progress also doesn't stand in place, and in terms of hardware development 4 years is an eternity. We had 3 generations of intel processors released since then, which behave differently and react to load in a different way.

    So please don't link outdated stuff.
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  4. Benton582

    Thanks so much Iridar, this helps alot, and I needed to do this to offset the cost of a similar running $400-600 desktop, though I would be unable to get a good intel CPU or lose the GPU. I kind of expected problems, but it fixed the problem of me completely unable to play this game, it's a real game changer. I didn't expect the CPU to limit it so much though, it's a i7-4500u, but now I learn the difference between intel's notebook to desktop more experience. Thanks for your help. (The middle data was just if you wonder why I have this.)
  5. BoatsFriends

    Make a Vanu character on Connery, log in around midnight PST, I can help you find the best settings, better and faster than any guide.