[Guide] Planetside 2 Weapon Locker: Premium Series: NS-15M review

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by IronTyrant, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. IronTyrant

    I know some people hate it and others love it, so i decided the NC-15M was worth a review, i have to say i fall in with those who love this gun. Here is my review:

    In a nutshell:

    good recoil and accuracy
    good reload speeds
    very versatile
    Good muzzle velocity

    Low-ish rate of fire
    damage per bullet low for longer ranged weapons
  2. Psykmoe

    I'm almost certain the 625rpm is a tooltip mistake, doing some cursory testing and comparing seems to indicate it fires as fast as the other 652rpm/143 guns.

    Well, even if I'm wrong, I have to agree with your review that in this damage ballpark, this gun is one of the absolute best, just because of the superior recoil stats, superior ADS movement accuracy (Rhino and EM1 are worse, Bull and Polaris as good). It's also the only 652/143 rpm LMG with 0.75x ADS movement speed, which goes well with the increased moving ADS accuracy.

    These guns may do less raw burst damage than other LMGs, but they're good at getting shots on targets, and NS-15M is one of the best at this. Very precise gun. Additionally, and this is not reflected in the in-game stats, I've been told that the NS-15M has quicker CoF recovery between bursts than most other guns in the class. I wonder where people find that sort of info?
  3. IronTyrant

    ive heard that about COF also pal, would also be intrestead where people find it out, glad you share my views
  4. oherror

    COF is pretty bad you pretty much need a laser to hip fire with any sort of luck. Its more of a down the sights weapon.
  5. Mxiter

    Average at everything good at nothing weapon; effective but never the best choice.

    Its mains advatages are it's easy to handle (good accuracy and low recoils) and it's an account wide weapon.
    COF are the same than the most accurate LMG wich have a superior COF (Some VS LMGs, MSW-R, T32 bull, Anchor, GD-22S).