Planetside 2 vs the rest....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OminousZ, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. OminousZ

    It's interesting to me on almost every shooter game i've played over many many years, how similar forums are. This game sucks...this game is great...good bye, i'm cows...all they want is money...blah blah. Same S***, different game. I think people (mostly younger generation) complain too damn much and don't appreciate or forget how great and FREE this game is. Sure, like every game, there will ALWAYS be issues and too many people look for perfection when it's impossible. I do think that game breaking bugs need to be addressed, but overall, we just have to learn how to adapt to any situation because they're ever changing, which changes the balance of things.
    I personally think that Planetside 2 is the best FPS i've ever played because of several reason that cater to almost every play style and I think the PS2 forums are among the maturest, (if you think i'm wrong, just check the BF4 forums). So, I think discussions are important about bugs and issues that may have been overlooked, but I think if we enjoy the game for what it is, many of you will be happier playing. Forget about nerfs, buffs, etc...there will always be pros and cons to every situation and weapon. Just because a class or weapon kills you several times, doesn't make it OP, unless again, it's a glitch or game breaking bug.

    Guns don't make the player OP....the player makes the gun OP....
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  2. Hicksimus

    So because you like the game it must be great? Take a look at the player count and server merging. It's nice that YOU and some other people enjoy it BUT a great game doesn't shrivel up to a shadow of its former self in just 2 years.

    I blame PS2's failure on a basic misunderstanding.
    CoD's/BF's success has more to do with playing on people's want for new yet familiar things than it does with having the best gameplay, they offer a consistent experience with conservative changes to make themselves a household name. PS2 can copy their gameplay all it wants but just as rapid stagnation hits CoD/BF it will hit PS2 and I don't think SoE has a plan for that. On top of that, PS2 is not something every gamer has and is familiar with so they can't bank on new content at a later date to have the same effect.

    As a RL example I invited a friend to try PS2 about a year ago. He logged in and we couldn't get in a squad together because the game said he did not exist(and he did not exist for quite some time). So right off the bat he's lost somewhere trying to find me. He finally figures out how to change continents and we go to battle where he can't even leave the spawn room so we change to a smaller fight and he's endlessly getting farmed by a Liberator. He never played again, I mention the changes and he does not give a damn that PS2 exists. It's not a familiar product to him, he will not give you a second chance and he's not alone.

    I know the dislike threads exist for all games but sometimes people vote with their wallets and we're seeing it here in PS2 and it is confirmation that the game is not great.
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  3. Akaan

    So instead of even attempting to learn the game, your friend goes on a hissy fit and quits after a few minutes because everything is not immediately handed to him. He really is better served with games that are easy and that he's familiar with. Wouldn't want him to stress out too much over, good heavens, unfamiliar things.

    Planetside 2 is not for the weak.
  4. Teshrrar

    As I said some time ago when the "merge" topic was in discussion: PS2 should be a war game, with a complete different focus (the war) instead the K/D, but SOE wanted all players. The all players they want play common shooters, and every common shooter player which I know change their "main games" every season. That's why you have a new version of these games every year.

    Sometimes you feel PS2 is just a big deathmatch arena, not a war map. Your actions basicly are pointless, except for your own purpose, which means: farm certs, farm K/D, buy a new dress, a new high heels, tell your friends, farm more certs, etc.

    You win a battle but it's clear which wasn't because tactic or strategy, or even skill, but numbers. Is very obvious when you capture a base which the enemy haven't enough soldiers to stop the attack, and just it. nobody coordenate anything to conquer the base, they just spawn and spawn and spawn until the enemy move to another base, logoff, or be pushed because your superior number.

    PS2 don't incentivate tactic and strategy. It's just a big common shooter with MMORPG grind elements, and this make me really sad when I remember in 2012 the hype I had for a true "First Person Big Scale War Game".
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  5. miraculousmouse

    Your friend does not have to sit and get farmed. I'd trial anti air if i were new and try getting some hits on the lib. Usually it compels a few others to do the same. There are plenty of fights, especially now, where the pizza is split evenly or almost between both or all 3 factions.
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  6. OminousZ

    Well, i'm sorry to say, you failed your friend. You lead him down the wrong path. Find me a perfect game...and i will worship you forever, ;) If you look at games the way you do, you will hate life. Certainly, there must be many things great about this game to have you even post on these forums. i just think in general, people complain too much and they lose the fun factor. Some people say there's no tactics...and I say Bulls*** maybe they are in a crappy Platoon then, because all we do is use tactics and plan our next route. And as for BF4, suppression among other things killed that game.
  7. phreec

  8. acksbox

    There is no "the rest". Planetside 2 is quite literally the only significant example of it's kind...which is probably good for SOE, as if there was any game that even attempted to do was PS2 does, I think a lot of people would jump ship.
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  9. Hicksimus

    I'm not into multiquoting but some folks appear confused by what I said.

    Let me simplify.
    PS2 is trying to copy games that have incredible stagnation but are household names that people will buy minor redesigns of. They can buy them knowing their friends will as well and when the next one comes out they'll get that one too and burn out over a year or so in it together. But PS2 is not a household name, not everybody has it and it cannot survive stagnation because people won't be back for minor iterations. Obviously some people will but it's not a household name where incredible numbers of people come back every time and pay a lump sum so there's a serious issue with PS2 doing this.

    My friend in the example did not ragequit, he's a very passive guy.....he simply said that's not for me and walked away and unless you have an official graph showing a healthy PS2 population and ignore the server mergers I'm telling you that he's not alone.

    I invited almost everybody I game with to PS2.....check the Repercussus outfit on Matherson or maybe it was's not a small group of people (~50) but none or close to none of them are you mean to tell me that all of them are wrong? Do you really think going roughly 0 for 50 with a group of gamers in the 18-25 age range indicates that the game is good?
  10. Tuco

    They don't know how to express themselves, or they're just terrible at troubleshooting.

    But I bet if you got down to the root of the matter, all complaints could be boiled down into, "we don't like being outnumbered 2:1" It's why every FPS game has had autobalance teams for the last 16 years.
  11. DatVanuMan

    Many players have just joined PS2 now, and the devs said they are to begin working on making the factions much more differing and asymmetrical. This is my favorite game of all time, and it certainly is better than the piece of crap made in 2003. That game was the bane of my gaming life, but 2... 2 is the reason God created me, to play this wonderful masterpiece. Can't wait for better, more faction-pertaining models and damage values. The only thing this game needs to improve in is the UNIQUE factor amongst the factions. Otherwise, gameplay is better than a thousand Call of Dummies.
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