Planetside 2 Forum Fallacies for Dummies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Brandmon, Nov 25, 2012.

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  1. Brandmon

    I just read a number of topics here and there and I couldn't help but notice the same sort of nonsense being posted over and over again ever since release - the sort of crap that contributes nothing to the discussion and only serves to make this community appear to have single digit IQ on average. So I thought I'd write down about phrases said that are best not said, in the vein hope that people will stop saying stupid ****.

    So, for my amusement and your own, I present to you:


    1. "My faction is underpowered because it has the least territory"

    No. It cannot be that simple. This game is about logistics, not gunplay. It is not kills that locks continents but the manoeuvres of outfits, the actions of platoons and the struggles of squads.
    Superior weaponry might give the edge, but only so far. The fact is that a cohesive outfit of pistol armed players can easily overcome an enemy force filled with clueless yet well-armed newbies. Your assault rifles is only so good if you have 10 pistols raining lead on you.
    Indeed one should be cautious from pinpointing any single reason for a faction underperforming, including saying that "It is because your outfits suck". Maybe so, but then you are discounting the possibility that terrain features are unfavourable to that certain faction.
    It could be any of the above stated reasons, and others I have not mentioned. Or it could be all of them! Even if each has negligible effect and by themselves are insignificant, let us not forget that compounding each other they can present significantly unfavourable conditions for specific factions. Remember: the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

    2. "My faction is underpowered because I can't get many kills"

    75% of people who say this can be taken care of by just a simple truth: PEBKAC
    Now, proceeding towards the 25%, which often state further that "I can get more kills with the other faction Y", one needs to be reminded about playing styles. Each faction is supposed to have its own qualities, not found in other factions. While one has to rightfully point out that SOE still needs to work on tweaking this, most of the time this is the case: each faction has significant strengths/weaknesses at certain ranges and at certain situations. Naturally, you first need to know them before you can exploit them. Only worry if you can't find any such qualities. Then either ask around for help and, failing that, point it out.

    3. "The game is Pay to Win"

    NO. People who wave this phrase around either:

    a) Never tried the buyable weapons to see that most of them are sidegrades, not upgrades.
    b) Don't know what Pay to win means in the first place, considering they can get such weapons without buying them for SC.
    c) Feel entitled on all aspects to equal status to those who pay, thus feel they need to b**** about anything.
    d) All or any of the above.

    Planetside 2 is not Pay to win in any logically conceivable manner. You have to reference a version of Planetside 2 that doesn't exist in order to even be convinced that it is Pay to Win.
    There are other issues that have to do with transactions that are of valid consideration. For example, are the weapons a little too expensive? Does the subscription alleviate the grind well enough? Should bought items be tied to characters on specific servers?
    Those are valid points of discussions. "PS2 IS P2W! QQ" is not. So drop it already.

    4. "The game is buggy! Therefore it sucks"

    I see you are new to PC gaming. So let me welcome you, without having to resort to name calling first.
    Most major releases in the past several years were plagued with bugs upon release. Planetside 2 is no different and will remain in an imperfect state for the next several months. We should just be grateful that there aren't many game braking bugs and most are simply amusing nuisances.
    That said everyone is allowed, if not expected, to point out bugs or problems on the forum for SOE to take notice. Which consequently leads me to another point...


    ...which is that some are too overzealous about the game. For some, the usual procedure of dealing with complaints, as stupid, sensitive and old as they might be, is to bring forth the flamethrowers!
    Luckily this didn't go out of hand as of yet, but I find it stupid that things such as "Go play something else" are considered valid arguments. Calm down people. Just point out to the newbies "Why" he is in error and keep it civil.

    6 "Your faction/weapon/vehicle is OK! Stop whining."

    This is most common when discussing either faction weapon balance or Ground vs Air balance for example. It contributes nothing to the discussion and usually shows that people who said it didn't even try the weapon in question and at best are second guessing from the perspective of being shot by it.
    You have no place in such a discussion unless you know how such a weapon/vehicle performs. And if you are convinced that such vehicle performs well from first hand experience, then why not point out the relevant data or tell others "how" to perform well?
    Otherwise you just contribute a worthless opinion rather than a useful fact.

    7. "SOE doesn't listen"

    Yes they do. And this is proven. They are just not required to post unless necessary. And furthermore they don't have to immerse themselves in the useless discussions going on in certain parts of this forum, as they need to make objective decisions regarding their own game. If they implemented even a few of the very flawed suggestions that are posted around the forums, the game would be completely ruined.
    Indeed SOE have minds and opinions of their own, and they might be mistaken with some aspects. But they have shown to be open for ideas and it only takes a well put and constructed argument to convince them towards something.
    SOE always listens. They merely react to those ideas worth reacting to.


    And that is all. Hopefully the quality of discussion will increase by 0.001% (at least) because of this topic.
    Otherwise, I will see you all in Auraxis! ;)
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  2. Ixal

    Oh look a whining fanboy tries to establish his rant as fact.
  3. Brandmon

    Don't worry, I've got you covered!

    Here you go:


    Deal with it.
  4. DG-MOD-17

    Please keep posts constructive and civil. While we understand that it may be frustrating to read negative posts and threads, creating threads to "reply" to or discuss these threads is not constructive and typically results in more disruption.

    Closing thread.
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