Planetside 2, error flash suppressor

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by South Park Flag, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. South Park Flag

    Planetside 2, error flash suppressor

    what is muzzle velocity effect?
    i thought enemy can be found by sound, visual information, or pain (if was damage)
    no other way

    so if no difference in sound, visual information, or pain
    than does not matter that happens in muzzle

    may be need write this
    ...less visible to the enemy without muzzle flash or damage...

    flash suppressor
    A flash suppressor makes the shooter less visible to the enemy without affecting muzzle velocity or damage. A very small reduction a full-auto accuracy makes burst control necessary for extremely long ranges.

  2. Timeraider

    muzzle velocity simply determines the speed the bullet leaves the gun. A full suppresor for example reduces bulletspeed, thus making the bullet drop faster and require more leading of the target.

    All the Flash suppresor does is reduce accuracy and in exchance gives the dot that shows up when you shoot on the map alot more opacity (thus harder to spot). It does not affect anything else

    Unlike the full suppresor that reduces the muzzlespeed.
  3. South Park Flag

    i thought
    ...less visible to the enemy if no affecting muzzle velocity or damage...
  4. South Park Flag

    was misunderstanding

    i think this will be better
    A flash suppressor makes the shooter less visible to the enemy. Bullet velocity and damage are not reduced. A very small reduction a full-auto accuracy makes burst control necessary for extremely long ranges.
  5. TheEvilBlight

    Tooltip should read:
    Flash Suppressor: Reduces visibility of weapon discharge on enemy radar; does not change bullet velocity or damage. Small reduction in full-auto accuracy.