Planetside 1 is F2P! OP Nights???

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by A Crispy Taco, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. A Crispy Taco

    VVH: "Hail!"
    Hello Connery! Would any outfits like to get down on some good ol' fashion Planetside 1 once a week for fun? I would like to coordinate a day when it is most convenient for as many outfits interested as possible. If you are interested in participating or if you have a suggestion on what day of the week would work best please post them in here.

    Come see why Planetside 1 is still in many ways better than Planetside 2 :p

    ADD FRIEND "ACrispyTaco" In PS1 or PS2. Need any help or have any questions? Message me in game or through the forum and I will help out as much as I can! Good luck
  2. Iridar51

    So how do I shot web? Five minutes with google and SOE sites gave no solution to where actually find the client for planetside 1...
  3. Takoita

  4. RagunathPS

    Use this link to directly download the PS1 client. I know your feels! I was searching for the client to download PS1 while the PS2 servers are down, but it was hidden by all the news relating to the All Access Plan.
  5. Iridar51

    Oh thanks guys, that's nice of you. Gonna check it out.

    I've also read the wikipedia page for PS1, turns out that PS1 was released and localized in Russia, and Russians could play with Russian client with people from all over the world, and to top that off, subscription costs were actually lower.

    Too bad PS1 had zero publicity in my country then, it sounds like a game I could've enjoyed if I knew about it.
  6. A Crispy Taco

    I hope you guys enjoy it :) It really was and still is in some ways an excellent game. It has so many features that Planetside 2 is lacking... Like changing vehicle weapon loadouts at a vehicle terminal on the fly ( USEFUL! ) or how about being able to travel from continent to continent with your current vehicle ( USEFUL! ) Those were the days, the days before micro-transaction money grabs.

    I am not sure why SOE "Reinvents the wheel" so much with the games they make. They could have copy/pasted the map designs and base lay outs and just put it on a new engine. Would have saved many years worth of development time and instead of wasting time remaking Hossin they could be focusing on BALANCE issues or BUGS*landing gear* instead of trying to release a continent the Planetside 1 team designed years and years ago.
  7. peebee

    Landing gear bug? Yea, not cool, but how about the seat swapping bug. Holy **** that one pisses me off.

    <gunner> uhg... gun is screwy...
    <pilot> *afterburns into the ground almost killing everyone* ALRIGHT, EVERYONE GET THE **** OUT, TIME TO PLAY MUSICAL CHAIRS AGAIN

    *enemy lib flies in and tank busts you to *****