Place Your Bets!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icosta, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. icosta

    When do you think the servers will go live?

    I say 8:00PM EST (20 minutes)

    I wager.. 5 Nanite Cookies
  2. Prudentia

    10 Nanite cookies they beat their previous record of downtime of 13hours for the EU servers.
    And another 50 that there are atleast 3 hotfixes over the next 4 days (i'm saying 4 because i think of the possibility that they are still down tomorrow...)
    • Up x 1
  3. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    one biggest thing I am waiting is their response on decimator not ohk ESF


    I hope not :(

    Edit: I raise you 100 certs once servers are up, they will go back down again for '"fixing'"
  4. AuxiMoron

    Maybe the game just couldn't handle balance for once and spontaneously deleted millions of lines of code
  5. RomulusX

    I wager, after I win the Mega Millions at 11pm and buy SOE better servers! :eek:
  6. icosta

    I just bought my Mega Millions.. 600 Million Dollars? Hmm what shall I do with all that cheeeeeeeeeeeze
  7. NinjaTurtle

    I say 3 days
  8. PanzerShrimp

    I wage that shortly after servers go live, Vanu ZOE tears will flood them and crash them shortly after.
  9. ExquisitExamplE

    I see your 10 nanite cookies and raise you a plasma cake that the servers will go live at 8 PM Pacific Time.

    I decline your wager on hotfixes.
  10. deggy

    One Auraxian Sunrise that servers are still down at midnight EST (that's 3 hours and 30 minutes from this post.)
  11. Yuukikun

    My bet is at least 24 hours of downtime. That's if the devs don't start watching My little pony for the 20th time and forgetting about their work.
  12. ExquisitExamplE

  13. deggy

    It's... Hypnotizing... Me...
    • Up x 1
  14. Pikachu


    SOE just couldn't pull the trigger on the ZOE nerfs. the profit off the blueshifts and extra comets was just too much. they're reverting the ZOE nerfs right now, before this revenue-killing patch goes live.
  16. WyrdHarper

    New Holiday Event:Hotfix Advent Calendar,!
    Enjoy a new server downtime and bugs every day!
    Seems like it's a server issue;my worry is that it's something hardware related that will require > a day to resolve.

    I'm just a worrier though.
  17. Rithlar

    well people kept asking for it so they finally did it, they nerfed EVERYTHING even the servers.
  18. Crackulous

    I'd reckon 5 years.
  19. Hatesphere

    its actually a rare reaction of 3 very volatile substances, tanker tears, harasser tears, and ZOE tears.
  20. Cougarbrit

    I bet 5 hobnobs it'll be as long as it takes for the SOE staff to get all their golden snowman hood ornaments.

    Which will be a few hours as Clegg keeps crashing a galaxy into each one that spawns.