Pistol Impressions

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by SpaceKing, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. SpaceKing

    VS's Spiker:
    • Model: Looks awesomely mean, and has the nice ironsight to boot.
    • Functionality: A good burst-fire pistol for Vanu, but the charge-shot is largely redundant as at all ranges you can pump out the same amount of damage uncharged in the time it takes you to charge it.
    • Suggestions: Give the charge-fire a more interesting mechanic, maybe a tiny burst-fire Lasher, or charge to fire high-velocity, high-damage shots for taking out targets at medium range that leaves a glowing trail, giving the Spiker excellent versatility at the cost of visibility.

    NC's MagScatter:
    • Model: Looks like the front half of a shotgun was glued to a Glock frame. I'm OK with this. Nice ironsight. Reload animation clips into the wrist.
    • Functionality:Good close range power for NC.
    • Suggestions: Slug ammo. Also needs something to feel more substantial; give it the little 'kick' that the pumpies have (being a particularly short-ranged shotgun, it shouldn't matter much in combat.)

    TR's AMP:
    • Model: Didn't load.
    • Functionality: BULLET SPAM! Like a pocket carbine.
    • Suggestions: Slug ammo. Also needs something to feel more substantial; give it the little 'kick' that the pumpies have (being a particularly short-ranged shotgun, it shouldn't matter much in combat.)
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  2. Quiiliitiila

    Most of the models and animations are still not done, I think there's a disclaimer about it in the patch notes.

    Funny too, because when they first came out a week or so ago (before they were taken down) the Mag-Scatter had a fairly nice model with working animations. Now it's completely broken in both model and animations (unless it's patched since I've been on a few days ago). The AMP had a model, but it looked awful… I guess that's why it doesn't have one now.
  3. Epic High Five

    I'm not sure how much the AMP would benefit from slug ammo
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  4. TorigomaSET

    Its inferior to the Commissioner in just about every aspect, even CQ. The only thing that will change that in its current incarnations is would be a properly implemented Smart Choke. Slugs would be pointless on it as well, because again, Smart Choke. What it needs, Is its Silencer back.
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  5. DatVanuMan

    How did the Mag-Scat look? I wanted it to be a Sawed-off. That would've been sick:D
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  6. DatVanuMan

    I have to say, that is one AMAZING gifXDXDXD
    Made my day, man. Also, what is Smart Choke?
  7. DatVanuMan

    The Spiker sucks so bad, I'm surprised it didn't give me a heart attack. I hope the devs give it a super accurate (NO CoF, just a dot in the center), low reload, high damage (275-334), high velocital (500-600) mode. It has a meh magazine, maybe about 12 batteries. However, the burst aspect of the Spiker stays the same, only it has more bullets in the mag. Otherwise, the model is pretty damn sweet. We get to hold an orb of plasma now!
    The MagScat is pretty nice, very balanced. Just turn it into a fast reloading Sawed-off. That would've made it SICK instead of nice.
    The AMP is how all Terran weapons should be. VERY low damage, in return for a VERY high fire rate. Just give it a run around "So long, motherfaka!" type of model, and for once, I won't complain about the TR getting something OP.
  8. Longasc

    I will now log onto the test server, because every time I do the AMP is temporarily broken.
  9. Longasc

    We can now test the TR AMP again and the Spiker also apparently got some changes, i.e. you will like it better now. Many points why it isn't that great (the charge is still a questionable mechanic and difficult to use, only useful in some scenarios where you can take your time to charge up instead of just firing twice)
  10. Quiiliitiila

    It wasn't a sawed off, which would be pretty cool. Rather it was a beefy pistol thing with fold out stock and bracings. It looked fairly cool as far as pistols go.

    Now it looks like all the old model is still there, but jumbled or something. Who knows :rolleyes:
  11. DatVanuMan

    :D Did it receive a new semi-auto mode that is amazingly accurate, deals 275-334 damage, reloads quickly, and has superior velocity compared to all other pistols?
  12. DatVanuMan

    I JUST TESTED THE SPIKER FOR MYSELF. What crappy lies have I been fed? I landed a full burst on a HA, and he STILL had health! What blasphemetical madness is this? This really IS the worst pistol ever created in the history of Planetside. JUST GIVE US A GOOD ONE FOR ONCE. For once, give us the best pistol. Please.
  13. Quiiliitiila

    Yeah, I just logged off from PTS… I didn't see a single difference in Spiker performance. I guess Longasc was mistaken about Spiker changes? Or perhaps he's seeing something we don't see?
  14. DatVanuMan

    It's a conspiracy, man. The Terran are at work:mad: WE MUST STOP THEM. Get the Lashers:cool:
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  15. DatVanuMan

    Plus, it was a head burst. So, what's wrong?
  16. Longasc

    Ah come on!
    Just click as fast as you can and the Spiker will kill things quickly. No charge, just burst fire.

    The charge seems to just take off the shield but it is inconsistent, as the 2nd charge doesn't always kill. As if the charged shot does no damage or misses. The 2-shot mode doesn't have this.
  17. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Either the burst has a lower Headshot Multiplier, or it deals less damage. No news there. The base pistol is awesome though.
    Way too boring, and probably gonna get nerfed, but you can't complain about it's power.
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  18. Longasc

    I would like to have the NC Desperado as VS weapon instead of the Spiker. It does 167x2 damage and is effective without frantically pushing and releasing the mouse button to be effective, that is what the Spiker needs to work

    Unlikely to happen.
    But I am afraid what is also unlikely is that the devs turn the crappy charge mode into something worthwhile, I am afraid we will get it more or less as it is.
  19. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Well, people have been screaming for a burst pistol, even though from asking around, most don't actually know why, and now they got one.
    It's more powerful than the repeater. It's got 4x the effective range of it's competitors. It's as bland as it gets.
    Yet somehow, people still think that it's too weak. I can't blame SOE for being a bit distanced regarding the feedback.^^
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  20. Quiiliitiila

    Rofl, I want it to be weaker so they'll give me a cool useful charge up and HEAT mechanic :p
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