Piloting Aircraft causes desync/OOB suicide

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by LDF IceWyvern, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. LDF IceWyvern

    Air's currently unplayable as every 2 minutes, it desyncs me from the server [used to be extremely rare pre-patch] so I cannot move out of the area, then kills me 2 minutes later with the OOB message. I can't render anything outside of the zone I get 'stuck' in and much less fly.

    I'm even subbed so this is starting to feel like a waste of my smedbux if I can't play the game. Any word on refunding us the time we're losing for the 'update' because the game is completely unplayable for air pilots post update? [All my certs are in air as well, so don't tell me to go inf >_>]