Pilot looking for a home

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Cdog, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Cdog


    I'm returning to planetside 2 from a year break and looking for a airborne outfit to join. (Or an outfit which is wanting to start an airborne unit within it)

    I'm 30, from the uk, have working mic and the ability to follow orders and love to coordinate tactics. I'm an Experienced mmo player with previous experience setting up and running guilds within other games, so we'll used to being part of the team.

    So if you're looking for a pilot to join your ranks, please drop me a line.

    Or alternatively if you would like to join me and setup our own airborne outfit, let me know.
  2. Sovereign533

    There are a couple of outfits that would suit your play style I'd think. First there are the Airborne Task Force (ABTF). Which are our close ally and very good in the air (it's their thing, it's in the name).
    Then there's also WASP Inc (the outfit I'm in, and I'm doing some shameless self promotion for). We're not a pure air outfit, but we have an air division and an air squad in almost every operation or session. We pride ourselves on being a true tactical combined arms outfit with infantry, air and armour working side by side towards a common goal. At the moment we are a bit low on the pure pilots, but we're looking to recruit more. If you're interested, visit http://www.wasp-inc.com/ for more information.

    Other outfits doing the same as WASP I can't really think of on the top of my head. Maybe 252 does it, I think JNJ does it but they are mainly German iirc. I don't really fly THAT often, so I don't know all of them :p

    Any way, good luck on your search. And I hope I'll see you fly overhead sometime. ^_^
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