Phoenix ghost hit

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by DiegoPesentePOA, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. DiegoPesentePOA

    Bet I'm not the only guy who keep shooting down phoenixes and still get hit by it about 1 seccond after.
  2. Moisture

    Its funny you say that.
    I got one shot out of the air on me and a moment later I got a random kill.
  3. LownWolfe

    • Up x 1
  4. Frosty The Pyro

    what are you trying to shoot it down with, it normaly takes more than one hit with small arms to send it spiraling out of control.

    Also pheonix is easily the least effective launcher solo, thus generaly were there is one, there are many
  5. DiegoPesentePOA

    Stills, the most laughable RPG, theres players who can MISS it on a idle sunder
  6. Vikingo

    It is not as rediculous as you think. The turning radius is not very good so it depends on what angle the rocket comes in and sometimes people press "E" and exit the camera before impact to try to increase DPS (which is very low on the Pheonix), problem is that when you exit the camera the rocket drops stupidly fast.
    Further I have seen that the acctual rocket and what players see on screen is still not perfectly synched. I have seen pheonix rockets sail past a vehicle only to be followed by an explosion on the vehicle.
  7. Pie Chasm

    It's not as bad as shooting a rocket and having it deal no damage, or explode in your face.

    I will never understand why they made it server side...