Phoenix Company is looking for new blood

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Vanon, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Vanon

    44th Phoenix Company is Recruiting

    After taking a brief break (The rumors of the break being due to **** research are greatly exaggerated), We of the 44th Phoenix Company are back. Our members like long walks on the beach, Pina Colada's and blowing stuff up. We are a close knit group who works well together and have all becomes friends outside planetside 2. We are tactical and effective, however we achieve that goal by being crazy, funny and fun. Generally speaking if your not suppose to do something, we have generally done it, such as ramming libs/esf's with sunderers and harassers, C4ing ESF's in flight, Gal surfing, Sniping ESF's, and many many others that we would have to produce video's for people to believe (which we will get around to at some point). We are looking for some new blood. We have been together for more then a year.

    What We Are

    -Friendly, funny and loyal
    -Crazy (less lets fly gals to enemy warp gate crazy, more lets attach C4 to one of us to take a point)
    - Accepting
    - the 10% at a base that actually take the points

    What We Are Not:

    - **** Retentive control freaks
    - A Military simulation outfit
    - Boring
    - ineffective
    - Someone who settles for a tie/loss (they are the same thing)
    - Scarred of dieing in a video game
    - Overly concerned with political correctness
    - The guy's you see sitting in spawn rooms, afraid to charge

    What We Want
    - 16+ with enough maturity to get serious when needed and not be annoying
    - Funny and friendly people that are fun to work with
    - Skill is not a factor as long as you don't mind some informal training if your really bad
    - Someone who has decided to stick with the server
    - Someone who would take the hard road if it made a bigger impact in a fight
    - Someone who does not rage quit
    - Someone with a mic (though its not required, it makes life easier)

    What we Have
    - Numerous Fully Upgraded Company Vehicles such as Fluffy the Gal, Lord gigglesworth II the sunderer, Leroy the harasser
    - A highly advanced infiltrator group
    - Light Assaults who excel at vehicle destruction
    - Tactics
    - Fun
    - Nude Trading Cards (Free with every membership!)
    - A Winchesterlock

    We do not have application because this is not a job. If you are interested in joining us, or just want to hang out send me a message, reply to this post, or just send us a tell in game (shadex, Malcien, Winchesterlock, deathmambas, Avalanche56) or anyone with the phoenix tag (PHXC)
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  2. ZeroErrorz

    best time ive ever had in planetside 2 , we ussualy get stuff done effectively and casualy, if your looking for an outfit that get stuff done tactically while having relaxed casual comunication join us.
  3. RoseyNineOneOne

    I'll join up if you take me. I need some guys to play with. I'm new and a bit ****, but hey, gotta get better somehow.
  4. Vanon

    Sent you a friends request in game, i'll toss you an invite when i see you.
  5. 666IsBehindYou

    I am a longstanding Phoenix Company member, and god to we have a good time! We have had such amazing times together in the outfit and anyone who wants in will only add to the craziness! This is one of the best small outfits fun wise as most of our members all have an odd streak :D If neither of the above members are on, send me an friend request and I'll toss you an invite! (Us brits can be on at weird times for you Americans :D )

    Happy Hunting
    666 - The Devil
  6. ZeroErrorz

    yea and mostly midnight/afternoon on my place since its morning over there lol
    also confirming the craziness we have without that its not PHXC proper squad,even 3-4/2 man squad is full of laught if you can get some PHXC member talking to each other about ANYTHING (phxc logic:topic=joke) join us for craziness ! thats our speciality!!! :D
  7. Akeita

    Nude trading cards :eek:
  8. DevDevBooday

    Scarred of dieing... wut?
  9. ZeroErrorz

    k/d padder.........(include spawn room camper)
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  10. Vanon

    You know the type. 50 guy's in a spawn room, surrounded by 10 guy's with LMG's afraid to run out and kill the 10 LMG guy's. 10 tanks on a ridge firing at 2 tanks that are constantly being repaired instead of charging and killing them.... Creating fireing lines on the doors to points instead of going in and taking them.

    We do not really care if we die 1 time or 10 as long as we accomplish our objective. I'd rather capture 100 base's with a 1k/d then capture 1 base with a 100 k/d. Besides playing with a death wish is kinda a pre-req for Phoenix Company. Being Mentally Insane helps to...
    • Up x 1
  11. ZeroErrorz

    BEING AWESOME as you said all the time :D
  12. Malcien

    We are truly one of the few outfits that know how to use tactics other than zerging and one of the only outfits that do what is required to win a fight. hell me and one other guy has taken Nott amp from a Platoon of VS and held it and even pushed them back. Before the last few updates i was known to knock 1 or 2 ESF's out with my Longshot for laughs and Deathmambas like to do the same with C4 and Shadex finds it amusing to run his Sundy into a line of tanks and survive while murdering a good handful of them. In all truth we get **** done even if its 1 or 2 of us...hell some nights i enjoy long walks to the crown to say a friendly F you to the enemy air then take the crown but hey thats me...we are based on Mattherson and we tend to have around a squad full of guys, and we are not the group that judges someones worth on you BR because hell im BR level 42 and im kicking the hell out of BR 100's all the time
  13. Hudson937

    I'd like to join as well, i'm kind of a noob, but I'm looking to get better and have more fun in-game.
  14. Insano81

    Hows it goin guys... I've been lookin for an outfit for a while now, but its hard to find one that isn't super **** about gameplay. The last outfit I was with was super tactical, which is okay, but they frowned down on players that didn't show up for "training". I just felt out of place, which didn't make the game fun. I can't play every night but I'm usually on Fridays and the weekend at different times. I just want to have a good time and kill some VS and TR with a fun outfit. My ingame name is Squerldestroyer.
  15. Vanon

    This is going better then i thought. So we are still looking for new guy's. Feel free to private message me and i'll setup an invite, or look for us in game
  16. chrisarn94

    What exactly counts as "weird times"?
  17. thesuicidalgoat72

    Hey, I'm looking for some people to play with, hit me up guys, goat67 is my ingame name
  18. Vanon

    It says you don't exist..... Dude if you where an infiltrator that would be like the most awesome entrance ever!

    Hit me up in game shadex, not sure why the game is not finding you.
  19. ZeroErrorz

    problably a typo or something,btw i just added the recruitment post to my sig :)
  20. Vanon

    We have a strict "don't ask" Policy! ... Weird times is like when leeroy the harasser barrel rolled over an ESF and was cockpit to cockpit with some Scythe, topgun style. Or when i notified the entire platoon i was leading about a fact about japenese moms and asian culture... When jib barked at the enemy warpgate... our disturbing weekly holidays... human bombings... Stealth flash road kills ... Ramming ESF's and Libs with harassers.... dropping out of a galaxy to C4 another galaxy .... many many inside jokes....

    We are pretty much the opposite of the regular NC outfit. We tend to laugh a lot, have no command structure and don't settle for 2nd place. We prefer it over being serious, with a strict command structure and congratulating each other on "brilliant' "tactical" 2nd place victories.