people that can't get walmart station cash card

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lolla, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Iksniljiksul

    Walmart is such a disgusting place to visit. It's what Kmart used to be before they closed everything down to become SuperK. The filthiest stores in the world where English is not the primary language in an English speaking country.

    So why don't upscale, responsible people get any rewards for being on top of their situation and having zero debt and perfect credit?

    People with credit cards in good standing should receive permanent extra SC of at least double the normal amount. We built this nation after all, the rest of these people are busy destroying it.
  2. B0bzor

    $7 is steep, but with the 3x promotion, you get the same gun for only $2.33, right?
    Unless my quick math is wrong, that doesn't seem too bad.

    I find there are noticeable differences between many of the weapons, but to each their own.
    • Up x 1
  3. Bear


    Just so you're aware, there are 8 WalMart's within 50 miles of Syracuse and there isn't a single SC card to be had. One of the stores told me that haven't had them in "months".

    You might want to find out why your retail partner isn't being much of a partner.
  4. medbot544

    Yea, I went to Walmart and other stores in town...not one had these cards except E&B games which of course gets no bonus. X-Box ones were every where though....even found them in a gas station. What gives? Only MS likes canada? In future, can ya ship these things to canadian Walmarts on the West Coast plx. Thanks!
  5. fastdak255

    I remember when I was a kid and growing up a trip to walmart was fun. Then my family moved to phoenix, AZ. If you still think walmart is a good store, go to one in phoenix. Particularly the one at 44th and thomas (locals might agree here). Jesus walked out of there just feeling dirty. I've avoided walmat ever since, only shop there as a last resort.
  6. Sevre

    I use to have an inside sales job at Walmart and I had to run credit checks to qualify customers ...... So.... Horrible.

    "Fantastic, now we just need to run a quick credit check..."
    "Yeah, I know mine is definitely above 100, or maybe like 99! That's almost 100% right? Like A+."
    "Oooohh....that's...that's definitely something...." /sadface
  7. Phichi

    I dun agree. Guldarnit my credit score dun built this god feerin country. Which is why I deeserv an advantage over dem Walmart shopping welfare kids and especially dem gul darn freedom hatin foreigners. We should also get a new gun dat dun shoots explosive freedom fries. Murica!!!!
    • Up x 1
  8. TeknoBug

    In Canada we have Walmart but we don't have those $15+500SC ones... boo.
  9. Bierno

    yeah I live in Canada and we dont have the extra 500 SC :(

    would of bought up to 300$ worth of SC then lol to max out my transaction
  10. Tobax

    Still don't get why your trying to get them given there is a triple SC day tomorrow.
  11. Gavyne

    Because the wal-mart cards will give you additional 1500 sc when claimed on triple sc days, that's the price of an additional weapon + vehicle weapon + camo. It's quite a lot. I do wish they have these 500 sc bonus on the rest of the SOE game cards sold elsewhere like in Gamestop & Target. I don't like to go to wal-mart here either, always crowded, always got toys laying on the floor everywhree, and I can't ever find a time when those game cards are in stock heh.
  12. Caracal

    With Wallmart card
    $15 = 2000 SC
    $0.0075 = 1 SC
    700SC per weapon * .0075 dollars per SC = $5.25 per weapon
    500 SC per camo * .0075 dollars per SC = $3.75 per camo

    With Wallmart card and triple SC day
    $15 = 6000 SC
    $0.0025 = 1 SC
    700 SC per weapon * .0025 dollars per SC = $1.75 per weapon
    500 SC per camo - .0025 dollars per SC = $1.25 per camo

    With Wallmart card and Triple SC day and Patience for sale on item
    $0.0025 = 1 SC
    50% * 700 SC per weapon * .0025 dollars per SC = $0.88 per weapon
    50% * 500 SC per camo * .0025 dollars per SC = $0.63 per camo

    to put in perspective, ill do without wallmart card also.
    1 dollar = 100 SC
    700 SC per weapon * .01 dollars per SC = $7 per weapon
    500 SC per camo * .01 dollar per SC = $5 per camo

    NO card, and triple day
    1 dollar = 300 SC
    700 SC per weapon * $0.0033 dollars per SC = $2.31 per weapon
    500 SC per weapon * $0.0033 dollars per SC = $1.65 per weapon

    NO card, and triple day, and patience for sale on item
    50% * 700 SC per weapon * $0.0033 dollars per SC = $1.16 per weapon
    50% * 500 SC per weapon * $0.0033 dollars per SC = $0.83 per weapon

    Assuming that people complaining about not being able to get a wallmart card arent the type of people who would hold the SC to only use when items are on sale, people griping about not finding a card are angry over spending about 50 cents more on a weapon...
    • Up x 2
  13. BuzWeaverPS2

    Its personal preference and its something I feel shows an appreciation for allowing us to play a "Free Game" with a choice. If people don't want to buy station cash that's completely understandable, but keep in mind it is the Station Cash purchasing community that sustains the game so that it can remain free to play for others.
  14. medbot544

    Anyone know if you get 3x if you use a card for a 1 month sub...? Or just flat 1500.
  15. Batsteg

    Checked my local walmart, Sony Universal Card $15.00 SOLD OUT!
  16. Johnypilgrim

    Apparently the Mayans foresaw this thread and realized it was, indeed, time for humanity to end.

    There is hope that whatever rises out of the ashes won't cry over the lack of Wal-mart cards.
  17. TribecaNYC

    Even if there was a Walmart by you. At this point pretty much all Walmarts are sold out.
  18. B0bzor

    I wasn't even sure of the conversion rates, so this is good info to have! Thanks for posting this.

    Looks like my $2.33 estimate wasn't that far off, without a card, lol.

    I wonder if I can find those cards at my Wal-Mart here in Canada... I've never looked, but $1.25 for a weapon sounds like a good deal!
  19. B0bzor

    Oops, I guess that answers my question.

    Oh well.
  20. Gavyne

    Bottom line is, stock up on station cash during triple sc day, they only do the 3x promo 2-3x max a year. Whether you can get a wal-mart card or not, $2.33 for weapons is cheap, cheaper if you for the daily deals.