[Suggestion] Penalty for Armor Spam

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meserion, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. Meserion

    Currently many fights are decided based on who has the most armor and how many of them are MBTs, doesn't matter if you have 12+ HAs shooting at them the sheer amount of Armor Spam has made the game very brainless for all.

    Armor Spam is bad for 3 reasons:

    • Infiltrators are basically useless, as their is no infantry, just Armor everywhere
    • Air's impact is greatly diminished because Skyguards and Rangers guns are likely present and Air possess limited options vs. Armor Spam
    • Infantry are forced to contend with endless waves of armor that can take 4+ rockets to destroy meanwhile they can withdraw, repair, and resume wiping the floor with infantry

    Thankfully bases are generally walled off enough that armor can just roll in and kill everything, but that doesn't stop them from shelling every doorway they can reach and wipe out entire squads with splash damage.

    This needs to be addressed, as it seriously disrupts the other elements of the game...

    I propose that pulling Armor in a Hex or an adjacent Hex that has a high amount of Allied Armor causes the Nanite cost to increase up to an additional 30% increase in maximum price (585 on a MBT), this would throttle Armor spam by making it more costly to pull.

    This would not stop people from pulling Armor elsewhere and driving there, but this would allow infantry, in particular, some breathing room when dealing with a lot of Armor.
  2. FateJH

    These two are not actually true. Infantry can do something that is roughly called a "counter-Armor push," which essentially involves being Armor as well. Moreover, Armor by itself is short-lived and requires ground troops to bolster efforts for any sufficient duration. If they really feel annoyed, they can just go to flight ceiling with a bail-able Vehicle and drop mines and C-4 from way up high right over their enemy's Armor column. If all else fails, drop four Heavies from a squad-respawn-able aircraft, down behind the column, and unleash on a single target at once. Rinse and repeat until the tanks are dwindled. They can also just completely navigate around the column and go directly to the previous base and get on the points, making the whole push really silly.

    The NC possess a unique ability to attack nearby Armor without having to expose themselves to its line of fire in the form of a weapon called the Phoenix. The VS can position themselves an incredible distance from Armor and still lay seige on it from that distance with a weapon called the Lancer. As for the TR: buff the CARV.
    I counter that by proposing that spawning in and adjacent to a region where one's faction holds significant population (not overpop; just a significant number) starts incuring resource costs, before any sort of resupply is factored into the equation. Fact is, no matter how many Vehicles are pulled against you, there will always be more Infantry at the ready - there is no two or more player class like there are two or more seated vehicles.
  3. Hajakizol

    Will infantry cost nanites if they overpop as well? If not its not balanced. You want to penalize people for not playing the way you like. If its bothers you so much pull armor or something, nothing says you have to stay infil or have to anything as there is no penalty for changing classes to be flexible.
    • Up x 2
  4. Klabauter8

    They should just reduce any spam at all. It's very often the case that fights are so stale that the winner only gets decided by which side is bored the first and leaves the fight. That's also why so many people play almost only infantry, because the whole gameplay is so stationary due to the unlimited amount of recources.
  5. Devilllike

    infiltrators are not useless not completly we can kill the guys who try to repair and let the vehicle standing there defensless,we can use emp grenade and blow them up with their own explosives,we can hack their vehicle terminals and use it to flank them and soon we will also be able to hack enemy vehicles and hijack them.

    infis are not useless if you know how to use them plus the whole point of this game is for ground and air to cooperate just like in real war the generals wont bring the airforce if there is too much AAA on the ground,your mission as infantry is to take out their anti air so ur team can use air as well and cooperate with ur max suits and heavy classes to take out the vehicles and HELL we sure are not lacking in heavy classes
  6. adamts01

    Too much space magic. The key is logistics. Make vehicles powerful, valuable, and expensive enough so that they're use is thought out and calculated. If a team wants to put all their eggs in one basket and bring nothing but tanks, they should be able to do that, and take the risk of having no infantry once the fighting gets close,C4 fairies start floating around, and tank mines start getting dropped out of Valks.
  7. ColonelChingles

    It's ridiculous to even consider making vehicles more expensive when:

    1) They are embarrassingly weak for what they ought to be capable of in a correctly balanced way.


    2) Infantry are completely free.

    Really, infantry spam is much, much worse than vehicle spam. Kill a tank twice and it's dead for awhile. Kill a HA an infinite number of times and they're always going to be back.

    Infantry spawns should carry a cost, so infantry players can't be rewarded for stupid/suicidal tactics.
  8. DeadlyOmen

    Having a reason why the battle is lost before it starts seems like a bad idea.
  9. BrbImAFK

    No. As noted, this is a terrible idea. There is plenty for infantry to do against an armor push if they play smart, even if you exclude (for whatever reason) pulling armor of their own. Also, the presence of Skyguards or Rangers is irrelevant. I've watched a single lib solo 3 Skyguards. It's not hard. Air can already wreak havoc on armor as it is. Finally, infils DO serve a useful purpose.... headshotting all those dudes that get out to repair their tanks.

    TL;DR it's fine, no problem, ur a bad! :p