PC Hotfix - 5/11

Discussion in 'Game Update Notes' started by ps_nicto, May 10, 2017.

  1. ps_nicto Developer

    The Planetside 2 PC servers will be coming down at 6am (Pacific) / 13:00 (UTC) for a brief hotfix. Estimated downtime is 3 hours.


    Directive-based Implant Rewards
    The following rewards are meant to reward players at different stages of their career. New characters can quickly increase the breadth of their loadouts by completing Tier 1 directives for each class, while characters with a bit more experience can unlock implants for getting their foot in the door to the objective and leadership aspects of the game.

    You can now earn 1 Novice Implant Pack (2 random non-exceptional implants) by completing the following directives.
    • Tier 1: Combat Medic
    • Tier 1: Light Assault
    • Tier 1: Heavy Assault
    • Tier 1: Infiltrator
    • Tier 1: Engineer
    You can now earn 1 Basic Implant Pack (3 random implants) by completing the following directives.
    • Tier 1: Objectives
    • Tier 2: Leadership
    ISO-4 Recycler
    The ISO-4 Recycler can now be found in the depot, and allows you to exchange excess ISO-4 for a chance at one random implant. Less common Tier 1s and Exceptional implants have a higher drop rate in this pack.

    Fuzzbuket's Spartan armor is now available individually in the Depot for New Conglomerate characters.
    A battery of player studio outfit decals have been added.

    Misc. Adjustments and Bug Fixes

    • Fixed some skinning on NC standard female non-infiltrator armor.
    • Fixed a bug where you could infinitely repair from the rumble seat under certain conditions.
    • Performance improvements for Orbital Strike generators.
    • Fixed an issue where C4 (and other things) could potentially damage an orbital strike uplink when it should be invulnerable (is powered and has a core).
    • Fixed bug with Exodia decal.
    • Fixed bug with WWEW decal.
    Outfit Issues
    We are continuing to investigate Outfit issues many players have been seeing. We should have some information about our recovery effort for the community soon. Thank you for your patience.
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