[Suggestion] Pay for time

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Garzin, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Garzin

    Now first off i absolutely love the game and played it for a few weeks now 4+ hours a day. But the pay for time concept is killing me.The game is pay for time, to get a 1000 certification point guns (most of which are HUGELY better than your stock guns (not sidegrades ) ) you need to kill 2500 people (not counting those silly capture rewards) or you can just dump some real money into it. This gentleman is really annoying for me. So my suggestion is to increase the amount of exp you get or the amount of exp that you need to get one certification point.
    Post your opinion below.
  2. L1ttlebear

    good luck on that one buddy :p This discussion has been here months before release. Nothing is going to change anytime soon. I dont mind the setup the way it is as i don't think that weapons are upgrades. There are a few that do straight boost a weapon system, but there have not been any guns that are inherently that much better.
  3. bPostal

    Personally, my opinion is save up $15, then get some 3xSC on the 21st. It's not the most helpful opinion but it's mine.
  4. Garzin

    On this i disagree simply because i have a few examples. Mostly i play infiltrator or i pick engineer and start flying. On the infiltrator side you have the best hands down bolt-action sniper rifles which are Parallax, Longshot and RAMS .50M. And when i am flying any ESF it always comes down to whether my opponent in a dogfight has any kind of rockets ( which are pretty expensive) or some kind of a performance upgrade. So yeah...
  5. Zeekez

    The only real weapons I see as being major upgrades are the sniper rifles, the semi autos are useless imo.

    That being said, I doubt they'll change it. They are a company who has to make money and pay their employees, you paid *nothing* to play, not even an initial payment for the game so of course they are going to make the weapons just annoying enough that they are possible but most people will be like "Fine, here's $10"