Passive-Aggressive Sniping Guide!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leo Cyrule, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Leo Cyrule

    How to learn how to snipe! Go to Connery. Join Vanu. Get 100 certs. Unlock the XM39. Go to an NC zerg.

    You will learn how to snipe or money back guarantee!

    No seriously... I don't think I can even stress this. TR's good at counter sniping, and I love fighting them. Smoke. Light Assaults Hunting me. Shelling my area. Or a good ole battle of wits between two snipers.

    But NC.... eh... somethings wrong here. I would call it newbie luck. I origionally thought I sucked at sniping.

    Until I noticed I was killing the same people... over and over... and over again. Usually Heavy assaults running back to the same cliff, and not moving around. Or engies running back to their turrets.

    I never see that from TR :/. Shoot. Say of ****, and relocate.

    NC. Shoot. Miss? Just stay still and shoot again. No one will see you.
  2. z1967

    Its like that on TR too, except instead of spending all the time to fly up to you as a Light Assault I just pull out the RAMS and get rid of you in 10 seconds or so after I respawn. Snipers on all sides are very predictable, making it really easy to get rid of them. The worst are the ones who brought a sunderer or a galaxy to spawn on after getting counter sniped. Then I usually have to go up there and take care of business personally, not exactly something I am a fan of since I really would like to do something else.

    But yeah, the average Connery zergling is not very aware or keen on dodging sniper rounds. Its usually a pretty easy to accomplish thing but not every zergling has a rifle or the willpower to roll sniper for 30 seconds. Or they become enraged and just lolpod you back to the stone age, which is kinda hilarious that people can become that angry to have that happen.
  3. Leo Cyrule

    Lucky me, I don't have to worry about lolpodding. I am more aware of the sky than I'd care to admit. The moment I see a Mossy with an M14 Banshee fly by, or anything with something pointy and explody, I haul out as quickly as possible.

    They also try to Counter Snipe me with tanks... which is kinda funny. Because this lumbering tank is rolling around my little hill as I just hop about to avoid being seen. Even jumped on top of one, and rode it, and sniped a Sniper out of a tower from it.

    Real embarrassing I'd imagine...

    Can't really say I am the typical sniper though. I am never more than ten meters off of the ground. And I never use windows, roof tops or mountains. I am also usually where a sniper shouldn't be :x. IE in the middle of a zerg. Plain sight. Middle of the effin rode. Behind a paper thin tree.

    No one expects a Sniper on the ground apparently. Just like no one expects the Vanu Inquisition! (Looks around hesitantly) They must be stuck in sundy traffic.

    What generally kills me is a spontaneous zerg rush, or getting ran over by faction mates.