[Guide] Owning with the Flash (3.0+ KD)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grandmont, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Clail

    Can the guns on a Flash swivel/turn any? I've considered getting one, but my fear is you would have position the vehicle just right to hit anything, kind of like ESF's.
  2. MeDPaX

    NO, because 1 air would wipe them all out.
  3. sustainedfire

    I have the .50 cal, and can verify that it does swivel. Not a very wide arc, but you can aim it to a degree.

    I had fun with it today, when I rounded a hill where a small group of enemy infantry were taking cover- shot one down and got a roadkill also.

    It takes a bit of luck, and unaware enemies, as you are in an open top vehicle and if youre not moving constantly its quite easy to be sniped off the quad. Maybe its better with upgraded handling, I have not bothered with that yet, because there are 100's of other better 100 cert investments!
  4. JimRussle


    On a related note it would be cool to have retractable blades on the flash like in unreal tournament.
  5. Spectre63

    Show me on the Vanu doll where the bad ol' airplane touched you! ;)

    In all seriousness, a ground attack aircraft SHOULD be able to take out a group of Flashes with air-ground rockets. If it couldn't there would be something seriously wrong. Now if, on the other hand, one or two of the HA troops riding those Flashes was carrying a man-portable SAM, they could pretty quickly hop off and launch on the aircraft and drive it off. A friend and I did something similar with tanks just last night. We spotted 'em, popped out of the Sundy-bus, and 4 HAs dusted off a rapidly retreating Vanguard in short order.

    Combined arms can be mutually supportive and will usually succeed against solo players...provided there's a modicum of forethought applied to the squad's composition from the outset.
  6. Tasogie

    As a Sniper, little tip, NEVER!! drive in a straight line, within 3 seconds, if you do, I've got you ("I" as in any half competent sniper).
    I killed multiple ***** flashes last night cos they got stupid an tried to rush us in a straight line.
  7. Grandmont

    Some more flash love is never a bad thing. I'd kill to see a TR Vulcan mounted on the flash, that thing is beastly.

    My outfit might be trying out some flash-crashes on facilities, we'll see how it turns out, I'll definitely record it if we do.

    New video out

    some pretty easy kills but i thought i'd post it anyways
  8. TeknoBug

    Back in beta I had the grenade launcher for my bike but didn't use it much. Now I have the 50cal equipped and still rarely use it, I did shoot down a low flying ESF with it once. I think I'll pick up the grenade launcher again and abuse AMS Sunderers with it.
  9. vampwood

    The recently buffed grenade launcher combined with scout radar can lead to some pretty hilarious killstreaks indoors, it 1 shots infantry and 2-3 shots on splash, and noone can surprise you due to the radar, went on a 30+ killstreak with one last night. It also has probably the fastest TTK on MAX units in the game outside of C4, 3 direct hits will down a MAX with a fast RoF.
  10. Jawa

    After trying this out I must ask how many tries it took you to get the footage of that good run in the OP

    Tried it
    Spawned Flash
    end up oneshot by enemy lightning with HEAT
    Spawned Flash
    drive onto random AT mine in the middle of the field
    Spawned Flash
    Random headshot from some sniper

    All in all this is only feasible in the really flat zones like the desert or on the frozen rivers on Esamir I think. Even then I can't imagine it going well often enough.. still fun though
  11. Grandmont

    Right now I have 80 gigs of footage of me accidentally kicking the *** of infantry while looking for enemy tanks to fight. I have no idea why it's been so difficult, but I can never seem to run into enemy armor when I want to. Vehicle stealth is important.
  12. IshanDeston

    You are not supposed to park and shoot them :D
  13. TheBloodEagle

    kinda sucks how the antenna with ball doesn't move around at all and is stiff as heck

    awesome vid by the way! You're 100% right about Prowlers & Flashes. TR D.G.A.F. haha
  14. Lord Robert

    I swear to God I thought you were saying "this is PS2 Grandma" and I thought that was strange.
    After visiting your channel I see that is not the case.
    I'm apparently too stupid to make the connection with your forum name.

    Anyway, I like your vids. Make more. Also, do some live commentary. And maybe a longer video. I might have to sub.
  15. Carter

    Finally, someone else sees the true potential of the Flash. Great videos, I sub'd and am looking forward to the new ones.