OW - Nexus Season 2 (Announcement Discussion Thread)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Mithril, Oct 25, 2023.

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  1. Mithril Community Manager

    Outfit Wars is back!

    Outfit Wars is a tournament-based event where outfits (organized groups of players) compete against one another to show who is the most prepared, coordinated, and fearsome on the field of battle. Outfits will fight for leaderboard placement match in hopes of achieving rewards, recognition, and bragging rights. Below we'll walk through each phase of Outfit Wars to prepare you for the greatest fights on Auraxis.
    Phases of War
    There are four main phases in Outfit Wars (Enlistment, Qualifiers, Playoffs, and Championships) that take place over the course of seven weeks.
    • Enlistment - Enlistment phase begins Nov. 15.
      Any outfit with at least 48 players can sign up to participate after paying the resource entry fee. At that point, at least 48 players from that outfit must confirm their participation to verify the Enlistment.
      While 48 members are required to validate the signup, they are not the only outfit members allowed to play. Any outfit member can jump into a match that has begun, provided their outfit rank has the "Outfit War" assigned. These privileges are determined by your outfit's leadership.
    • Qualifiers - When the first week of Qualifiers begins, (Dec. 1 / Dec. 2) Enlisted outfits will immediately be assigned their upcoming match day and times. Matches take place once per week on a Friday or Saturday at 8pm or 8:30pm server time. When that week's matches are over, placements for the next week will be determined, and new match times will be assigned. This gives outfits an entire week to get organized and stock War Asset supplies as necessary.
    • Playoffs - After four rounds of Qualifiers, the top eight outfits will make their way into the Playoffs. (Dec. 29 / Dec. 30) The first-round Playoff winners will then move into the final Playoffs matchup to determine who will match up against one another in the Championships.
    • Championships - When the final Playoffs match is complete, their scores will determine the Gold/Silver and Bronze/Fourth place matchups. Placement in this last match determines the final winners in the Outfit Wars season. Championship games will take place exclusively on (Jan. 12 / Jan. 13).

    The 1v1 Format

    For this season, outfits will be pitted against one another in one-versus-one combat on the battle island of Nexus.
    • When a match begins two teams of up to 48 players can travel to their match on Nexus.
    • Each match has a 20 minute preparation phase, during which players can enter the zone and start getting organized. Players are confined to the Warpgate during this time.
    • When the preparation phase ends, a 45 minute match timer begins, and no other players will be allowed into the match.
    • The Colossus and Bastion Fleet Carrier are unavailable on Nexus, though other War Assets are fair game.
    • Construction is unavailable on Nexus as well, though ANTs are still available without terminal access.
    • Continent lock benefits, and boosts to Nanite gains are not in effect on Nexus.
    • The snowy battleground of Nexus is divided into two Warpgates and nine bases. The three center bases begin neutral, and the three bases nearest each Warpgate begin owned by their respective faction.
    • When the alert begins, players will be released from their Warpgates, and be able to begin capturing and defending these bases.
    • The team with the most controlled territory at the end of the alert, or the team who can connect their Warpgate to the opposing faction's Warpgate, will win the match.

    Win/Loss and Bracket Points
    At the end of each match cycle, outfits will be sorted into their next matchups based on who has the strongest win/loss record. When ties in win/loss record exist, Bracket Points determine who has the better overall standing.
    Each match on Nexus has a pool of 500 points that outfits are capable of earning. Once per minute, two points from this pool are given to an outfit for each base they currently own. In the case of a dominating victory, and remaining points in the pool are given to the victorious outfit.
    This mechanic is meant to incentivize aggressive play where scoring a decisive victory is going to be more beneficial than a long, drawn out encounter. It also helps quickly segment outfits of varying skill levels throughout the Qualifiers.

    Same Faction Fighting
    Outfits from the same faction may fight one another whenever the matches line up that way. Each team will be assigned to either the Red or Blue team while on Nexus, and your tracer fire, abilities, and HUD indicators will be updated to follow suit. We've also made accommodations for setting your own HUD indicator colors while specifically on Nexus. Nanite Systems Operatives players who have chosen a home faction will now also be able to compete alongside their outfit.

    Outfit Wars rewards come in a few varieties, though the awards listed are subject to change:
    • Each match on Nexus awards ISO-4 when the alert ends, for all participants.
    • Any character that has ended at least one match on Nexus will be eligible for placement rewards.
    • Placement rewards are made available for outfits who make it into the Playoffs and beyond.
    • A special Outfit Wars profile banner is available for outfits in the top eight and higher, while unique Bronze, Silver, and Gold banner frames will be available for the top three outfits.
    • When Outfit Wars ends, statues for the victorious outfits will remain visible in Sanctuary until the next season begins.
  2. BlackRodger

    I really hope Outfit wars is not the promised "Big news". Mithril, can you confirm please?
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  3. FroyoBaggins

    Will disconnected players be able to rejoin the match this time? That was a massive issue last year. Did you fix the nexus hitching?
  4. Mithril Community Manager

    Before the community dissects these words further, let me touch base on how "big news" was used in context to that tweet. Outfit Wars for a lot of community members is considered a big part of the PlanetSide 2 experience (you can check out CAMIKAZE78's coverage of the event here). Although it may vary by definition in terms of big game content versus big game experiences, it is still a big part of PlanetSide 2 and we are excited to see this year's match ups play out.

    As further updates are released you will see the scope of news vary. Sometimes it's content heavy, other times it's seasonal like our Nanites of The Living Dead update. We will make extra efforts to word our responses carefully as to not misguide the community.
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  5. TheViohazard

    Can I please get a clarification for ANTs begin available without terminal access?
    Is this specifically relating to not having a construction terminal when deplotyed?
    Does this mean that ANTs can be obtained without a vehicle terminal somehow?
    Do ANTs that have a deliverer module not have an equipment terminal when deployed?
  6. TekkitBeasting

    I understand how this could be considered "big news", but at the same time, a vast majority of players assumed it was going to be a major content update with new guns, armor, maybe even a new vehicle and some revamped bases/continents... but this? That announcement was made months ago, back when Outfit Wars was confirmed to not being happening this year. Why the backpeddling on that? If this truly is the big news, please, make sure confusion like this doesn't happen again. People are up in arms since, really, Outfit Wars only applies to a very tiny section of the fanbase and isn't going to draw new players or likely even veteran players back in.
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  7. Amador

    Outfit Wars must come to an END.

    Outfit Wars is a needless event that only a small handful of select PlanetSide 2 players can participate in. Even now as this is written, there are posts being made in the forums from concerned players regarding population decline and dying servers.

    So I must ask...

    Why hasn't Daybreak chosen to work towards the next noteworthy content update that the entire PS2 community can benefit from? Why has Daybreak continued to host an exclusive limited time event that the majority of the PS2 playerbase has little to no interest in?
    • Outfit Wars has historically consumed developmental time and effort, delaying updates.
    • Outfit Wars has historically seeded drama that fractures the community and results in further player loss.
    • Outfit Wars is plausibly responsible for delaying the redesign of Esamir and Oshur - a highly requested fix.
    • Outfit Wars denies live server access to the original "Battle Island" continents by reserving maps like Ascension, Desolace, Extinction and Nexus even though the PS2 community has demanded "Infantry Only" gameplay for years.
    • Outfit Wars does not benefit the already declining PlanetSide 2 community at large that is desperate to keep or bring new players in. The average player doesn't care about Outfit Wars because they can't even participate!
    • If Daybreak wishes to use Outfit Wars as a means to advertise the game, then why host it during the fall when more gamers are playing during the summer instead?
    If you were to collectively calculate all the time spent on Outfit Wars throughout the years, the PlanetSide 2 community would likely have the famous volcanic continent of Searhus added to live servers for the first time since PlanetSide 1.

    Quality of life updates are necessary to fix unresolved dilemmas and begin providing player-requested periodic content updates to renew player interest.

    Outfit Wars is nothing but a black hole of wasted effort. Enough is enough!
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  8. Raiden Huttbroker

    As much as I disagree with Outfit Wars coming back I can at least respect that you guys are still working on the game and seem to still plan on continuing work on the game.

    But the game is in a bad state, population has decreased a ton, like only 3 outfits on Emerald can field 48 players, Connery is borderline unplayable at this point because of their low population. Are there any server merges happening?
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  9. TekkitBeasting

    Agreed. It's honestly frustrating to see development time being dumped into something that will just kill the game faster. We need new content to bring in new and returning players, not a very controversial event.
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  10. KXOPH

    So far we have only seen seasonal updates and no major ones.
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  11. KXOPH

    There is one serious hole in your plan. There is currently no unit in the game that could gather such an impressive number of players.If you expect that the players will return with this news, I will disappoint you, most of those I know are already negative about this news. Those who left the game in anticipation of the update are probably also not happy with such news.We were expecting a roadmap, not this.
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  12. 36thelement

    The main game needs an update to bring players back long term, not this outfit wars nonsense that will spike population for a few weeks.
    Remove CTF from all non-amp station bases, disable oshur, add old Esamir back (keep new Esamir as well if you want). Remove vehicle damage from the archer, fix mouse acceleration on vehicles, update the bad UI design to be more like battlefield so new players know where to go, spawn system adjustments, vehicle physics, janky movement and animation system updates, new squad and platoon features, etc. The game needs so many things more than outfitwars.
    I was hoping the devs would be looking at community discussion and trying to find out what the game actually needs to improve, outfit wars just shows how out of touch the devs continue to be.
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  13. sofiaflorence

    Outfit wars is not my thing but as long as the seasonal events and occasional bugfixes keep coming, that's good enough. The game is great as it is. Even Oshur isn't that bad. There's a lot of entitlement here and on Reddit, so I thought I'd just stop in and say thanks for the amazing game.
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  14. BattleWarriorZ5

    Besides the Soltech community, OW wasn't really asked for this year and we were already told it wasn't coming this year.

    What the overall Planetside 2 community has been asking for is a roadmap or gameplan for the game along with directly addressing the many compounding balance issues and design issues that are having a negative tangible impact on PS2's game health and game population.

    To the overall Planetside 2 community, OW out of the blue just seems very misplaced or misguided when it comes to other greater priorities that are plaguing the game right now.

    It's as if OW was added last minute this year either because a big update that was going to happen wasn't ready at this point or there isn't a big update coming at all so a decision was made to add some type of content in hopes of distracting the community until the anniversary.

    If the PS2 Dev Team has time, please directly show them these threads and have them thoroughly read them, especially the suggestions/plans in them:

    1) https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/16uh55a/operation_tourniquet_how_to_stop_planetside_2s/

    2) https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/16bzkme/comprehensive_plan_to_revitalize_and_restore/

    3) https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside...the_game_health_of_planetside_2_removing_the/

    4) https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside..._undercover_as_a_new_player_on_the_4_empires/
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  15. Mithril Community Manager

    Hi everyone, I appreciate your feedback. I understand your concerns over player population as well as everyone's desire to have bigger game content updates. I wanted to swing by to express this validation, we hear you on that end and I have been keeping the team appraised. We'll continue to use official channels to keep you informed on upcoming content update news as soon as it becomes available and so I appreciate your patience for that.

    Let's try to focus this thread back to Outfit Wars for those interested in participating or watching the event unfold.
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  16. VV4LL3

    Could you ensure that official channels are used for game and player feedback? Vice outlets like the fandom wikki, or reddit? (again)?
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  17. Amador

    Outfit Wars was believed to finally be canceled - the community was delighted.
    At last, a tidbit of reassurance that effort would be focused solely upon polishing the game for all players.
    The community asked and wished for pie all along... Yet announcement arrived in reply; "Let them eat cake."

    I digress, as requested.
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  18. SgtBlacksmith


    Thanks for continuing to communicate with us. I understand the mood is very sour in the community lately, but the worst thing that could happen is silence from the team. Here is my feedback on Outfit Wars as an outfit leader on Connery who has participated in previous Outfit Wars:

    Please delay the start of outfit wars. Population and enthusiasm are at all-time lows, and even large outfits are having difficulty getting a full platoon of coordinated players online. If we go ahead with Outfit Wars before there's content updates, account transfers, etc. to ameliorate the situation, there's bound to be teams that can't muster enough players, or players that resort to measures that go against the spirit of the event, like playing multiple accounts across different outfits in the same tournament. Many outfit leaders and veteran players faced with these issues are feeling dread right now, and Planetside should be fun. Let's not go ahead with us until we're in a healthy position to fully enjoy it.
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  19. DeathCaliber

    Allow us to move our characters that we've spent a lot of time and money on from Connery to Emerald before this happens.

    That would be great if that could happen.
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  20. KXOPH

    Unfortunately, there are very few such players. Personally, I'm afraid that the game will start to move into session battle mode.
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