OW Medal/Decal bricks the character (Miller)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Goriloski, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Goriloski


    I equipped the semifinalist decal on the character and... G18 error and can't login again to that character, always got the same error.

    When log in to the character selector it doesn't load the character aspect, the loading wheel stays turning on. When login into the character, it tries to load Sanctuary but got kicked out before it ends (G18).

    Have validated the game assets in the Launchpad and it says all fine, but really seems like an asset that is missing.

  2. Mithril Community Manager

    This is a known issue, we are looking into this.
  3. HayHauler

    How long has this been a known issue??
  4. Mithril Community Manager

    We are looking into a fix and will have an update soon.